After the posting of the Obama "MuslimWear" Photo yesterday shown below and in posts yesterday the Islamic cuddliness denials by Obama and his sycophant supporters came fast and furious, along with the same hard left wing liberals destroying their former queen Hillary Clinton, whom they blamed for the photo's release which is ridiculous as I had this photo a week ago and also saw it on a week ago with the now discredited Larry Sinclair fiasco. It was also featured on a website I visit often for Obama information called FreedomsEenemies
Sure is funny seeing the left and their lap dog media destroying Hillary Clinton today as they are, someone they by the way had religiously defended and supported through hell and high water over the past decade, not to mention the prior decade, where the "vast right wing conspiracy" which included me were already exposing the Clinton's for what they were then in real time as they were led around on a leash by the Clinton's with their noses planted firmly in Slick and Hill's backsides all that time.
Now it appears that through their own vernal attacks on her now, (attacks that are far more toxic than the ridicule coming from the right all those years) we were all correct in our descriptions and dissections of their lack of integrity and moral fortitude doesn't it? So the left begins to chew off another of it's own limbs like a wolf caught in a hunter's trap when it becomes politically expedient for them to do so defending their new rising Islamic star Hussein Obama.
And Islamic star he is as Jerome Corsi from WorldNetDaily presents today while exposing more detail related to this supposed harmless little photograph of what they describe as just a pic of "their hero" visiting his daddy's homeland playing dress up being the consummate guest as all politicians do they falsely and wrongly claim.
I challenge anyone to supply me with a photo of any presidential hopefuls, politicians or Bush himself dressed in Islamic clothing complete with a turban, which is presently the dress of the enemy that we are currently at war with, radical Islam. This would be on par with presidential hopefuls in 1944 wearing a Nazi uniform on a visit to Europe, after all since radical Islam has no armies per se with official uniforms as do normal armies in most countries, their uniform is the daily Islamic dress of which Barack Hussein Obama is dressed in for this picture.
'Muslim' photo raises Obama connection questions:WorldNetDaily: "The Internet posting of a photograph of Democratic presidential primary frontrunner Sen. Barack Obama in what has been described as 'Muslim' clothing during a visit to Kenya has drawn the typical political accusations and denials. But it's also raised questions about Obama's links to Kenya, which has Muslim neighbors on several fronts, and was home to Obama's father.
One of the concerns being expressed regarding Obama's ties involves his connections to Kenyan political opposition leader Raila Odinga, links documented through Obama's attendance at public rallies where he spoke on behalf of Odinga.
That's because Odinga admitted to Christian leaders in Kenya a Memorandum of Understanding circulating on the Internet is not fake, but a document Odinga signed with Muslim leaders in Kenya.
According to Jack Wheeler, the author of a newsletter titled To the Point, the Memorandum of Understanding allegedly contains a pledge by Odinga to make Kenya an Islamic state by re-writing the constitution of Kenya within six months after Odinga takes office as president, to recognize the Islamic sharia as the ruling law of the land.
Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement is in opposition to President Mwai Kibaki, who is part of Kenya's largest tribe, the Kikuyu, while Odinga is part of the second-largest tribe, the Luo. continued
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