Check out the video of this car thief dragging a Tampa Bay Florida cop for four blocks at high speed before he is miraculously unhooked basically uninjured from the harrowing ride: Click pic or here for video

WATCH: Suspect drags officer - Most Popular News -
Tampa Bays Local News: "Tampa, Florida – Tampa Police have released video of an officer being dragged four blocks through a Tampa neighborhood.
The video, taken by the Tampa Police Air Service, shows Officer Kiet Truong stuck on the side of a suspect's Corvette. In 35 seconds, the car drags Truong about 2,000 feet before he finally frees himself as the car slows at an intersection. The video shows Truong's body rolling on the pavement.
The incident began when Truong and Officer David Bradley stopped a white 1994 Corvette near the corner of Rome Avenue and North B Street in Tampa late Sunday night.
As Officer Bradley ran the suspect's information through a computer inside the cruiser, Officer Truong stood by the driver's window.
“At some point, the driver got nervous, and he started to grab his keys to put into the ignition,” explained Tampa Police public information officer Andrea Davis. “And so the officer and the suspect began to struggle over those keys.”
During the struggle, Truong somehow became stuck on the side of the car. And that's when the car took off.
Truong was finally able to free himself at Armenia Avenue.
After a chase through Tampa, a police cruiser used a PIT maneuver to force the Corvette to crash into a light"
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