> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Toy Jewelry Coating From China Reacts Like GHB When Ingested

Today's world headlines

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Toy Jewelry Coating From China Reacts Like GHB When Ingested

Time for we Americans to send China a heavy duty message and boycott all products from that region no matter what the costs involved as it's quality control is either extraordinarily lax and deadly or a well thought out plot to poison and kill Americans and their pets slowly and painfully, as it's happening with such amazing and frightening regularity.

Chinese recalls are out of control
by anyone's standards, and the problem is not being addressed with enough swiftness or force by their government nor ours until long after the fact and damage done.

Not to mention their trade deficit that exists with this country has allowed it to become an international economic powerhouse on the backs of hard working Americans as they're seemingly trying to sicken if not kill us all. Therefore it's time to put the cheap and sub standard Chinese goods peddlers out of business and return these manufacturing jobs stolen from Americans by greedy big business back home again whatever the cost once and for all.
Coating on toy beads from China could be life-threatening

International Herald Tribune: "HONG KONG: Toy beads from China were not under suspicion when an Australian biochemist began trying last month to figure out why a 2-year-old boy had fallen into a shallow coma with seizure-like movements and been rushed to the hospital. Clinicians treating the boy suspected an inherited metabolic disorder. So Dr. Kevin Carpenter, a biochemical geneticist at the Children's Hospital at Westmead, in a suburb of Sydney, began checking urine samples for certain chemicals. What he found instead was gamma hydroxybutyrate, or GHB, a banned 'date rape' drug that can be life-threatening." continued

Lists of recalls from China are quite expanse and it's truly amazing this has gone on as widespread it has for as long as it has.

The US Consumer Products Safety commission website is truly unbelievable in the amount of recalls that are listed there, hundreds and hundreds of products.

And here is another website devoted to recalls from China that covers toys as well:


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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