> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Hollywood Still Cuddles With Chavez as Venezualan Students Seek His Ouster

Today's world headlines

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hollywood Still Cuddles With Chavez as Venezualan Students Seek His Ouster

The Useful idiots, those Hollywood liberals who always espouse that " we are the people " mantra supporting socialism and Marxist beliefs are actually now finding themselves on the side of not cuddly and cute "Ugo" but instead a brutal dictator suppressing freedom by killing student protesters. On the side of their new friend and against Venezuela's poor and terrorized citizenry as they all ridiculously rushed to his side fawning falling over one another to be buddies with Hugo Chavez this past year. And as they were in Iraq on the wrong side of history where democracy and freedom live and grow.

Shameful is even a generous word to describe this pathetic behavior.

The list of Chavez sympathizers in Hollywood, (the capital city of that Kum Ba Ya dreamworld, a liberal fictitious Utopia but in reality a land of left wing loons) grows exponentially, and they should all be deeply ashamed of themselves in light of the most recent dictatorship developments in that country, and owe the poor people of Venezuela an apology for their misguided support of his leadership and friendship.

Useful idiots they are not....Useful imbeciles is more like it.

Useful Idiots:term invented in Soviet Russia to describe people who blindly supported the likes of Lenin and Stalin while they committed atrocity after atrocity.

Today, it refers to brainwashed liberals and leftists the world over (usually college students that aren't necessarily idiots, but just misinformed, naive, and ignorant of facts due to being indoctrinated with liberal/socialist propaganda through their public education) who believe that George W. Bush has committed more crimes against humanity than leftist darlings like Saddam Hussain, Yasser Arafat, and Osama Bin Laden, and still defend Communism, the cause of over 100 million deaths to this day. The Urban Dictionary

8 Injured After Anti-Hugo Chavez March:

My Way News - "CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Gunmen opened fire on students returning from a march Wednesday in which 80,000 people denounced President Hugo Chavez's attempts to expand his power. At least eight people were injured, including one by gunfire, officials said. Photographers for The Associated Press saw at least four gunmen - their faces covered by ski masks or T-shirts - firing handguns at the anti-Chavez crowd. Terrified students ran through the campus as ambulances arrived.

National Guard troops gathered outside the Central University of Venezuela, the nation's largest and a center for opposition to Chavez's government. Venezuelan law bars state security forces from entering the campus, but Luis Acuna, the minister of higher education, said they could be called in if the university requests them." continued

More msm coverage :

At least 2 shot in Venezuela after anti-Chavez march Reuters UK
Venezuela Students Shot After Anti-Chavez Protest (Update1) Bloomberg
One killed, six wounded in anti-Chavez protest in Caracas AFP


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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