> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: More Jobs Americans Wouldn't Do?

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

More Jobs Americans Wouldn't Do?

In this case I can't believe that American citizens couldn't have easily been found by a staffing company in a Chicago suburb for sensitive jobs at O'Hare airport, where instead it's been revealed was creating identities and documentation for the employees it was supplying to O'hare.

They apparently went to great lengths to knowingly give these jobs to illegals according to an ABC report being discussed all around Chicago land this morning. This is quite a security breech of O'Hare's hiring practices and should bring all the staffing companies in this area's future hires and present ones under intense scrutiny.

I myself have written the FBI and ICE about staffing companies in our area hiring illegals by turning a blind eye to their citizenry status in addition to legal workers they employ as well. This is a practice that I became aware of from a legal Mexican immigrant that I am friends with, one who is very familiar first hand with the workings of this company as a payed temp for a while there now.

One who like myself harbors resentment towards illegal aliens, as they have caused the legal immigrants to be unfairly and mistakenly lumped in with them and then being treated like criminals and second class citizens themselves. This would all be due to the extra attention now being payed to the issue, and he often complains about this to me knowing I'm a blogger and interested in these things..

I am specifically speaking of a company named Paramount Staffing located in Des Plaines Illinois, a suburb that surrounds portions of O'Hare airport and also Aurora Illinois. They are not named in this arrest at O'Hare but have been a focus of my attention for sometime as a concerned citizen.

On any weekday the illegals can be seen congregating outside looking for work from drive by employers looking for cheap labor for the day as well as arriving for jobs they have been placed in by the company.

Maybe now some attention will be payed to these companies around the country that are a source of jobs and leads for illegals coming over the border

O'Hare Badge Flap Reveals Security Breach:

ABC News: "After government investigators reported finding that workers with counterfeit badges had gained access to restricted areas at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, it triggered a series of arrests that has officials questioning security at one of the nation's busiest airports. Authorities arrested more than 20 suspects, all believed to be illegal immigrants, after federal agents found they were allegedly using fake and expired security badges that allowed them widespread access to the airport, including unfettered access to commercial planes."
Unbelievable...... and it gets worse:

The workers, who loaded food and cargo onto aircraft, were employees of Ideal Staffing Services Inc., a temporary employment company whose managers allegedly assisted in getting them bogus security badges.

A corporate officer and office manager employed with Ideal Staffing were also arrested Wednesday as part of the investigation.

"We can have no tolerance for people who set up businesses for people with fake identities to have access to secure areas of the airport," U.S. attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said at a press conference announcing the arrests. continued

More on this in the MSM

|Investigation: Illegal Workers Granted Secure Access At O'Hare MSNBC
23 Charged in O'Hare Immigration Bust The Associated Press
More than 20 workers arrested at O'Hare Chicago Tribune


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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