> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Slick Hillary Gives Iowa Waitresses the High Hard One

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Slick Hillary Gives Iowa Waitresses the High Hard One

Someone needs to tell Hill that when your rambling cross country in a political traveling circus called "The Middle Class Express" you don't stiff the waitresses at the local diners you stop at to spread your bull like she did yesterday.

This little Iowa diner tour and particular stop reminds me of a sketch done with the late Phil Hartman that was one of SNL's and his classic skits of all time with Slick scarfing everyone's food in a McDonalds that I've posted below.

Ironically the skit also touches on Somalia and was right before Slick sent troops there which later resulted in the tragic Black Hawk down incident in Mogidishu. This incident was the very reason that bin Laden later stated gave him the idea for declaring war on the US and the west, leading to the development of the cole bombing plot and later 9-11. Now confident that these attacks could be executed successfully because the US was simply nothing but a paper tiger that turns tail and runs just like it had done in Vietnam. This scenario is of coarse what the left would like to do in Iraq setting us up for future attacks based ont he same reasoning.

Don't be surprised to see this skit redone with Hillary stiffing the waitress, who wasn't laughing by the way judging from the post below the video from the "Political Radar" Blog, ABC News NPR and other news organizations:

Clinton Stiffs Iowa Waitress

Political Radar: ABC News' Eloise Harper Reports: Rule number one when campaigning at a diner: always leave a good tip -- and we don't mean about taxes, health care or how you plan to preserve social security. In early October, Sen. Hillary Clinton's 'Middle Class Express' made a pit stop at the Maid Rite diner in Marshalltown, Iowa.

The New York senator, joined by local political luminaries Christie Vilsack and Ruth Harkin, enjoyed a famous loose meat sandwich and attempted to hand caucus cards to the Iowans inside. Clinton also spoke to one of the diner's waitresses, Anita Esterday. It was her first day on the job and she and Clinton shared a short exchange.

Esterday, who has three jobs and works 12 hour shifts, said to Clinton 'both of my sons have worked since they were 14 years old'; Clinton told her, 'I'm proud of you.'

But, according to Esterday, that's where Clinton's gratitude ended as the campaign crew left with nary a gratuity for any of the hard working Maid-Riters. 'I mean, nobody got left a tip that day,' Esterday said in an interview with NPR after a visit by Senator Clinton." continued
SO Hillary's con job called the Middle Class express gives 'em all the shaft just like Hillary will if she gets elected, the high hard one.

2:00 pm cst According to Matt Drudge the campaign now claims they left a $100 tip on a $150 bill with no link to verify the statement made.

**Clinton campaign official: 'The campaign spent $157 and left a $100 tip at the Maid-Rite Restaurant'..

This would not have been the first time she f***** someone on a tip apparently. This from 2000


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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