> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: They're Baaack...."We Support The Troops But Not The War"....

Today's world headlines

Thursday, November 8, 2007

They're Baaack...."We Support The Troops But Not The War"....

Still up to their old tricks, the Democrats are more concerned about placating their wacky left wing loon base than they are concerned about doing what's best for the soldiers and the country that is at war.

Lastly of coarse they are concerned about the fortunes of the Iraqi people who are finally returning to their war ravaged cities for the first time in while, thanks to the great job being done by the soldiers despite all the efforts of the left to sabotage the progress being made in killing all the terrorists they can find.

While actual headway is being made on the ground thanks to the politicians getting the **** out of the way for the surge to gain effectiveness they get right back in the saddle for the enemy, letting them know that if they have their way the troops will be leaving soon, so the insurgency can just rest up for the winter and replenish their strength.

Nancy and Harry will just let 'em all know when to start fighting again with an announcement from Washington after Christmas, one that that the troops are coming home to make their base happy.

After all they've been unable to deliver one campaign promise in an entire year, so they gotta keep trying to throw victory away as best they can and toss their loons a bone or too. After all they gotta keep that campaign cash flowing for next election year..

House Readies Another War Funding Vote

My Way News - "WASHINGTON (AP) - Under pressure to support the troops but end the war, House Democrats said Thursday they would send President Bush $50 billion for combat operations on the condition that he begin withdrawing troops from Iraq.

The proposal, similar to one Bush vetoed earlier this year, would identify a goal of ending combat entirely by December 2008. It would require that troops spend as much time at home as they do in combat, as well as effectively ban harsh interrogation techniques like waterboarding.

In a private caucus meeting, Pelosi told rank-and-file Democrats that the bill was their best shot at challenging Bush on the war. And if Bush rejected it, she said, she did not intend on sending him another war spending bill for the rest of the year."

This is not a blank check for the president," she said later at a Capitol Hill news conference. "This is providing funding for the troops limited to a particular purpose, for a short time frame."

Democrats are in a tight spot. Since taking control of Congress in January, catapulted to power by voters frustrated by the war, they remain unable to pass veto-proof legislation demanding troops leave Iraq. Democrats are split on whether to continue paying for the unpopular war, with many saying Congress must provide the military with the money it needs so long as troops are in harm's way.
That's the humane and American thing to do now isn't it? Then again, gotta keep those Huffposters and Kos Kids happy, and they can't leave out the insurgency now while they're at it.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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