> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Spanish Landlord Boots English Speaking Business From Strip Mall

Monday, August 6, 2007

Spanish Landlord Boots English Speaking Business From Strip Mall

Try pulling this one in reverse and the uproar would be loud and clear.

Seems in Martin County Florida there's no more room for your business if you "speaka the English" instead of Espanol only as a small businessman there of seven years is finding out from his New Mexican landlord in this town in Florida.

This will be coming to your town and mine soon if this landlord is allowed to get away with this reverse discrimination maneuver without any legal repercussions as then his relatives in Chicago will be pulling the same stunt as will their relatives in Springfield etc etc.

In fact were I this tenant I would soon be on the phone with the Justice Department and ICE armed with a camera and my attorney's while snapping pictures of every Mexican walking up and down the streets there while hunting for Illegals in my spare time looking to report to the immigration authorities.

Meanwhile this gentleman sits in the uncomfortable position of being evicted from his place of business because he's a G** DA** ENGLISH SPEAKING AMERICAN!! Where and when does this madness end?

English-speaker says landlord's message is clear

Martin County : TCPalm: "Tom McKenna is a longtime Stuart businessman who speaks only English.

He says that's why he's being kicked out of the storefront on South Dixie Highway where he has run Seacoast Water Care for seven years.

'I don't know how else to put it,' said McKenna, 51.

I'm not sure I do either.

On July 5 — the day after Independence Day — McKenna received a letter from landlord Ivan Munro telling him to consider another location.

Munro said in his letter he wants to have 'quality tenants serving the Spanish need in the area.'

'I guess I don't serve the 'Spanish need,' whatever that means,' McKenna said."

The building is on the east side of Dixie Highway, south of Indian Street in Golden Gate. Directly south of McKenna's store, across Southeast Ellendale Street, is a Texaco gas station where men, most of whom speak primarily Spanish, gather to wait for someone to hire them for day labor.

The population of the Golden Gate neighborhood east of McKenna's store also has become mostly Spanish-speaking.

To McKenna, that's irrelevant, as it should be. A customer is a customer is a customer.

But all the signs for the check-cashing store and the Mexican restaurant that share the building with McKenna are in Spanish. continued

Reverse racism now acceptable in this backwards society that's being transformed right before our eyes into the Anti America, no longer a cohesive country fragmenting into little Mexican enclaves that run by their own rules.

And the Islamic crowd isn't far behind demanding and getting in many cases the same thing, stolen from us and given to them.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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