> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: A Muslim Wouldn't Have To Do This If They Objected on Religious Grounds

Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Muslim Wouldn't Have To Do This If They Objected on Religious Grounds

Provide birth control on the job that is, as a Pharmacist was forced to do here in Illinois as a result of our glorious Governor shoving liberal principles and lack of values down the throats of Christians who 's religion this is in clear violation of. For instance we can barely get Muslims to work inside food plants at jobs they asked for and then got that contain pork products knowing all along that they would be required to handle this stuff.

That is without the company in question rearranging the whole da** plant and employee work schedules around them and their prayer times the last time I checked and blogged about here a few weeks ago.

This is an obvious ploy to attack and undermine our laws and customs, forcing their imported culture upon us through our own legal system's manipulation masterminded and executed by the ACLU and CAIR walking and working together hand in hand.

The Governor here in Illinois said essentially "screw you" to Christian objectors and signed the executive order hastily anyway, and now as a result for once (at least seems) a judge has sided with a conservative cause and indeed overturned Governor Blagoyabitch as I refer to him (real name Blagojevich, pronounced Blah-goy-a-vitch hence my rhyming nickname) and his pro death executive order.

Muslims as I said before, are appeased to in this way day in and out in this Judeo Christian based country of ours, so it's about time seeing this being extended to Christians and Jews if and when their causes shall arise as well, at least in my fair and balanced eyes.

Besides, this morning after pill is simply a suicide pill and nothing more, solely intended to exterminate budding life and should not even be manufactured in the first place if you were to ask me which no one has up to this point.

After all, if we provide pills for a embryo's forced suicide why not any aged individual and how far off will that be in the pipeline of death from the left in our world. That's the whole entire master plan, you believe that.

Illinois Court Rules Pharmacists May Reject Plan B

Life Site"SPRINGFIELD, Illinois, August 3, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Illinois pharmacists are not obligated to violate their consciences and dispense Plan-B and 'emergency contraceptives' according to this week's ruling by a federal judge."

Scott's decision means that a discrimination lawsuit by pharmacist Ethan Vandersand can proceed against retail giant Wal-Mart, which contended it had a legal obligation to punish incompliant pharmacists under the executive order. Wal-Mart asked for a dismissal of the case Ethan Vandersand v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. on the basis that Illinois conscience legislation did not apply to pharmacists or exempt them from dispensing drugs that conflict with their religious views.

Wal-Mart placed Vandersand on unpaid leave after the pharmacist declined to dispense Plan B at the Beardstown Wal-Mart pharmacy to a Planned Parenthood nurse seeking the drug on behalf of a female patient in February 2006.

Justice Scott ruled in favor of Vandersand and his attorneys from the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), who claimed Vandersand was legally protected from discipline by the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act and Title VII, which requires employers to accommodate employees' religious beliefs.

"The statute prohibits discrimination against any person for refusing to provide health care because of his conscience," Scott said, adding that providing medication "constitutes health-care services." continued
Take that Governor and smoke it buddy.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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