Next thing they'll be crying for footbaths in the locker rooms at Swift and then prayer calls over the loudspeakers all day. Don't laugh, they're doin' it all over the place day after dayacross this land and other continents and countries as well.
Slowly chipping away at our customs and regulations, getting this concession and that concession, until next thing you know the non-Muslims feel alienated and outcasted right in their own workplaces, backyards and then country.
Meanwhile the Muslim's day at work goes just like another day back in the good old sand filled Saudi or Middle Eastern motherland whence the once came, just the way they want it to be at our peril and loss of our culture and country right before our very eyes.
They leave there to come here, to turn here into there. I've never been able to quite figure this one out, minus of coarse the most obvious exception, that the geography and weather there sucks so much. But then again it's the holy land to them supposedly, so please go back as soon as possible or acclimate to our ways.
Somebody explain this to me and why they are allowed to get away with this crap? That was a rhetorical question and you nor anyone else needs to explain it to me. click pic below to enlarge

It is happening because this simply falls right into their plan of wanting to recapture and claim the other lands around the world as theirs including the USA. In other words, as my new blogging friend Debbie at the Right Truth talked about over a year ago in this post of hers, their eyes and plans are to take over the world as implausible and crazy as that seems by a bunch of lunatics.
That's what is slowly occurring, just the way they are planning it. They are patient peoples, unlike western civilization, and will quietly sit back taking one crumb at a time until they have the whole loaf of bread. Right now they have enough for 4 or 5 sandwiches.
They've already managed to recapture a great part of Europe without hardly firing a shot in any declared traditional battles per say but by simple western appeasement and denial, and I ain't talkin 'bout that river in Egypt.
Muslims draft complaint against Swift meatpacking plantAin't that the truth?
Omaha.com Metro/Region Section: "Tension came to a head at a Grand Island meatpacking plant in June, when Jama Mohamed said his desire for 10 minutes to pray at sunset was met with shouting.
After he left the production line and began praying, Mohamed said, supervisors took his prayer mat, pulled him up by his collar and sent him crying to a lead supervisor, who fired him.
'I told him, 'Look, I know I am in America and I know in America there is a freedom of religion for everybody to practice their religion. . . . And as long as you fulfill that — as long as you let me pray — I will always work for you,'' Mohamed, 28, said last week through an interpreter.
'And he said, 'No, that's not acceptable — your prayers are not acceptable here. You're here to work, not pray.''"
If you don't like the way the religion clashes with your job then get one that doesn't Muhammad. Preferably back home skinning and washing camels or packing suicide belts for a living, not working at the Swift meat plant where Muslim prayers aren't the main course of business nor should they ever be. Plant doesn't shut down for Christian prayers nor Jewish prayers so no go for Islam as well.
We Christians and the Jews have to make concessions with our religions and workplaces all the time, so it's high time for you to get used to it as well or simply pack your caravans and get the hell out..
Here's Chicagoray's cold hearted suggestion of the day; How 'bout transferring this crybaby and his partners over to the pork division for a couple of weeks as punishment for rabblerousing? Sounds like a plan long overdue to me.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations has drafted a complaint to federal officials that is awaiting the signatures of dozens of Muslim Somali workers who say they were fired or harassed by supervisors at a Grand Island meatpacking plant for trying to pray at sunset.Well isn't that a bitch!! A job that interferes with the Muzzies praying time. Gimme a break, as they're damn lucky enough to simply even have a job in the first place and being kicked to the curb like many Americans are in favor of these Muzzies and Mexicans accepting obscenely lower wages because of their simple ignorance and then out of the country. So Please STFU and get back to work or get a new job in your home country preferably.
The complaint, to be filed with federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission officials, compiles testimony from at least 44 workers who say they quit or were either fired or verbally and physically harassed over the prayers.
The complaint alleges that breaktime rules at the Swift & Co. plant violate civil rights laws by not allowing workers to leave production lines to pray at sundown.
The sunset prayer, known as the maghrib, is the fourth of five daily prayers required of all Muslims.
A Minneapolis attorney for the Greeley, Colo.-based Swift said unscheduled breaks can force unplanned shutdowns of lines.
"That is a significant number of employees, and there is not much of a way to accommodate that consistent with keeping the production online," Donald Selzer said.
The complaint reprises concerns that boiled over in May, when 120 Somali workers abruptly quit when they were not allowed to pray at sundown. About 70 of them returned to the plant a week later, but union officials worried the issue would resurface as sundown inched later each day through the spring.
Later sunsets run past evening breaks meant to keep workers from long stretches on production lines. continued
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