> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Payback's A Bitch, and The Piper's Come Today For This One

Today's world headlines

Monday, August 20, 2007

Payback's A Bitch, and The Piper's Come Today For This One

I predicted her days were numbered as she sleazily slithered out of Chicago the other day in the middle of the night after calling a storefront fake church in Humbolt Park here home for the past year .

Of coarse I mean Elvira Arrellano and her little half pint media tool son Saul who we blogged about here Saturday and have talked about on too numerous occasions to count over the past year, who were picked up at a rally in East LA Sunday.

A place were she thought she' d be welcomed with open arms by fellow beaners singing "home free" as the "guest illegal of honor" at the latest "collective middle finger" raised to we the people of the United States in their drive to rewrite our laws to their liking. Doing so at yet another one of their brazen "give us amnesty or else" demonstrations that they've become so accustomed to getting away with weekly since last years ill advised uprising.

We'll see what happens today as the illegal community is encouraged by Telemundo and other illegal alien news outlets in the area to go out and incite rabble rousing by causing civil disturbances to get what they want and to try and extort the American government and people to further bend to their ill advised demands.
Elvira Arellano Arrested Outside Downtown Church:

cbs2.com - AP) LOS ANGELES An illegal immigrant who stayed in a Chicago church for a year to avoid separation from her 8-year-old son, a U.S. citizen, was arrested Sunday and being processed for deportation.

Elvira Arellano, who arrived in Los Angeles on Saturday after leaving her sanctuary to campaign for immigration reform, was arrested around 1:30 p.m. outside Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church where she had been speaking to reporters, said the Rev. Walter Coleman, pastor of Adalberto United Methodist, the Chicago church.

Arellano was "being processed for removal to Mexico based upon a deportation order originally issued by a federal immigration judge in 1997," U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a news release.

Immigration activists promised protests and vigils to support her. continued

And then hopefully ICE and the local police will be out in full force to arrest and deport more of these damn illegals as they stand out there causing civil unrest like they own our cities and streets.

Just who the hell do they think they are threatening the American people with their selfish unwarranted demands? I've had it up to here with these people and I sure hope you all feel the same way. Enough is enough of this crap and it's high time we push back with teeth and vengeance and collectively stop taking this sh** from these non-citizens. Act like guests or get the hell out.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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