This all began with the Slick White House's Report called "Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce." that was famously referred to by Hillary in her monumentally stupid "Right Wing Conspiracy" rant on the Today Show months after the report was issued according to Cashill, which I do remember myself from that famous moment in Shrillary History as I'm sure you do as well.
This article below is a great summary of what's happening in this area, who started it and who is manipulating the media behind the scenes for the left. This in their frightening but beatable quest to remake America into the open sore orgy where socialism, promiscuity and homosexuality rule the day and write the rules. It's a long read and only part one but I enjoyed it's contents and recommend it highly.
Some highlights from today's portion:
The war on Weldon gets scarier, part I
WorldNetDaily: : "When the history of the Bush era is written, no scandal will impress the reader as more telling of the time and place than the one that has engulfed Curt Weldon, the deposed Republican congressman from Pennsylvania. To be clear, Weldon is not the perpetrator of this scandal but its victim. To understand how he got embroiled, a quick look back at a nearly forgotten chapter in the annals of the Clinton administration is in order."
skip ahead
A year after its introduction, Hillary Clinton would echo the findings of this report on the Today Show in her self-parodying alarm about a "vast right-wing conspiracy."
skip aheadFor coordination, they have been able to count on an aggressive and effective George Soros-funded "watchdog" group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW.
For influence, they have been able to mobilize much of the Clinton shadow government, especially Sandy Berger and his Stonebridge Group, as well as former president Clinton himself.
But most critical of all, they have had direct access to and cooperation from the media: To be sure, not the American Spectator or the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, but the hugely more powerful voices of the mainstream media, the New York Times, CNN, CBS, NBC and more.
These same media that functioned – and still do – as a firewall in the service of the Clintons serve now as sappers in the undermining of their enemies. continued
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