> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: I'm With Tancredo and Now Joseph Farah on This Policy

Today's world headlines

Monday, August 20, 2007

I'm With Tancredo and Now Joseph Farah on This Policy

That would be the Turn Mecca to glass policy in the event of Nuclear attack traced back to jihadhists that somehow are able to obtain a weapon to detonate in one of our cities. It's worked with Russia and the other possible enemies of this nature and it'll work with the cave dwelling, camel riding jihadders too.

So the sooner they are made aware of this policy the better once we as a country elect a president who rises above the present PC BS politics of pandering, and outright warns all Middle Easter countries of this new directive to give them some incentive to make sure this scenario never occurs.

Nuclear terrorist deterrence:

WorldNetDaily: "America's nuclear arsenal maintained an uneasy peace for 50 years during the Cold War. The leaders of the nuclear-armed Soviet Union knew beyond any shadow of any doubt that a nuclear attack on the U.S. – perhaps its only hope for defeating its archenemy – would lead to an all-out nuclear counter-attack and the virtual destruction of its 'workers paradise.'

The policy was called MAD, for mutually assured destruction, but there wasn't anything crazy about it. Until Ronald Reagan came along with his idea for an anti-missile strategic defense, this kind of nuclear deterrence was the only thing that saved the U.S. from certain attack."

The Cold War may be over, but the nuclear threat to the U.S. is not.

  • Russia, despite many arms-control agreements designed to make us safe, still maintains a nuclear arsenal large enough to destroy the U.S. many times over.
  • China is another growing nuclear power with the capability of destroying some major U.S. cities.
  • North Korea and other rogue nations are rapidly developing the capacity to target the U.S. with nuclear-armed missiles.

But all of those nation-state threats are mitigated somewhat by the concept of MAD as well as the very primitive stage of a missile defense program begun under Ronald Reagan.

The real potent threat, though, comes from enemies who would never consider firing a nuclear warhead on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The threat some experts and high-ranking government officials say is a virtual inevitability comes from nuclear-armed terrorists who covertly detonate one or more bombs after sneaking them into the U.S.

How do we reduce the likelihood of a catastrophe of that magnitude? continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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