> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: This Is How We Deport 12 Million Illegal Immigrants..

Today's world headlines

Friday, June 29, 2007

This Is How We Deport 12 Million Illegal Immigrants..

All we hear time and time again is it cannot be done! They say, with their hands in the air and shoulders shrugged in defeat "What are we gonna do, round them all up like the gestapo and hold them in internment camps and send them back on buses"...etc etc.

You've heard it before, that left wing defeatist pretzel logic Ted Kennedy type hyperbole as to why we need to grant them all amnesty wrapped in some other pretty little PR devised package like this latest bill of goods. To all of them I say this:

If we cannot do it fairly and humanely in preferably one large swoop, then we just do it by attrition for starters. Just do it one, two or ten at a time, every time they break yet another one of our laws, which they've already done and will continue to do as they go forward just as sure as the sun rises in the east.

After a quick and free phone call to the new immigration hotline, the INS then picks them up for deportation, as opposed to ignoring them as they do now, and then returns them and their families to their country of origin. Leaving them forever banned from the US for citizenship as punishment for illegal entry, no ifs ands or buts. Done.

Using that methodology, as of this morning resulting from some overnight arrests across the country, we've now gotten 13 of them in just one stop here shown below. This type event happens all day, everywhere and everyday all around this country, and when we add each of them up together one on top of the other, soon enough they'll all be back home in no time.

That's a helluva lot more than is being done by the government at this moment, so it's better than nothing.

Then it's on to the next one and the next one until the word gets out, and before you know it, things are getting tougher out there, then they all start heading back on their own, which they will start doing once they see we are serious for once about this seemingly and supposedly unsolvable problem according to our fearless sell out leaders.
Traffic Stop Turns Into Immigration Bust:

NewsChannel 5.com Nashville, Tennessee - "COOKEVILLE, Tenn.- A Putnam County Sheriff's deputy uncovered a human smuggling ring during a traffic stop Monday on Interstate 40.

Tony Branch discovered 13 people stuffed into a van, after being smuggled from Mexico, when he pulled over the vehicle.
(like so)
He said he noticed that the driver was not wearing a seatbelt and directed the driver to stop."He said the window tint was too dark to see inside.

After opening the back hatch, he called for back up after he "saw how many people it had."

"It was surprising to see that many people in a small vehicle," Branch said.

Investigators did not find any weapons or drugs inside the vehicle.

Investigators found several fake IDs, green cards and a list of the passengers and what appears to be the dollar amount they paid to enter the United States illegally from Mexico. continued
Thanks for visiting the US, and y'all be sure and come back again sometime again ya hear, legally!


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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