I really don't follow American Idol but have been recently as this kid is from Mount Prospect, the next township over, and tomorrow, Friday, they're having one of these local party's / concerts I guess which you see on the show when the people win or advance ....and is taking place at the down the street and world renowned Arlington Race track.
This thing sold out in a couple hours and will involve a day long celebration and thousands of local's who all of a sudden become this talented man's best friends. That is, right up until he either gets knocked out or wins and then forgets REAL QUICK were he comes from....lol..
I've never heard the name before but we'll be hearing it now...
This thing sold out in a couple hours and will involve a day long celebration and thousands of local's who all of a sudden become this talented man's best friends. That is, right up until he either gets knocked out or wins and then forgets REAL QUICK were he comes from....lol..
I've never heard the name before but we'll be hearing it now...
Get ready, Mount Prospect.After Wednesday's "American Idol" vote, Lee DeWyze is officially one of the top three contestants, which means on Friday, his hometown will be hosting a daylong celebration and thousands of DeWyze fans.After Ryan Seacrest announced he made the cut, DeWyze crossed the Idol stage, hugged his parents, Lee Sr. and Kathy and whispered "I love you guys."Casey James and Crystal Bowersox join DeWyze in the top three and will get hometown parades of their own Friday. James, 27, will head home to Fort Worth, Texas while Bowersox, 24, will fly off to Ellison, Ohio.Michael "Big Mike" Lynche isn't as lucky. Although the judges used their only save to rescue the soulful 26-year-old personal trainer and father from Queens, N.Y., in April, he was voted off the show Wednesday night.Before the results were announced, Seacrest asked the final four what they thought after watching footage of past hometown celebrations, which include parades and throngs of screaming fans."I want that to be me," said DeWyze. "I want the chance to say thank you to all the people who have been so supportive and to sit in my parents' living room and have a conversation without any cameras." continued at the Daily Herald

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