It's better to let the kids get addicted and spend 10 g notes a pop to send them to a useless drug rehab than it is to build a 2000 mile electrical fence topped with Razor wire to slice open the hands of the drug dealers and illegal runners they send north who will do this to scale the fence you dumb &*(#^(%)(??
While pointing out that it is the responsibility of the federal government to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) said Thursday it is cheaper to treat teens for drug use than it is to interdict drugs being smuggled across the pointed out to the speaker at her weekly press briefing that a recent Justice Department report indicated that one in five U.S. teenagers used drugs last year, and then asked: “Are you committed to sealing the border against the influx of illegal drugs from Mexico and, if so, do you have a target date in mind for getting that done?”“Well if your question is about drugs, I’m for reducing demand in the United States,” said Pelosi. “That is what our responsibility is on this subject. The RAND Corporation a few years ago did a report that said it would be much less expensive for us to, through prevention first and foremost, but through treatment on demand to reduce demand in our country, is the cheapest way to solve this problem
Pelosi: It's Cheaper to Treat Teens for Drug Use Than Stop Drugs at Border | The FOX Nation
I think she should be treated for drug abuse. What else could explain such stupidity (she has a history of this, explaining how abortion is still an open question for Catholics being but one example of this woman's colossal stupidity.)
ReplyDeleteThe real issue here is that rich, powerful people like San Fran Nan don't have to put up with the consequences of their legislation.
They are so disconnected man no doubt...I've got wealthy relatives and they just forget what it's like to not have to worry about money every day.
ReplyDeleteOne comment about Pelosi's hands while speaking. Her brains are in her hands. Consider this, she's really using those hands like crazy; so people won't hear what she's really saying. Can't understand a word she's saying anyway. DISTRACTION is the key here. She's not making a hill of beans sense in anything she's saying. Her words are all muddled and slurred together without distinction or clarity. This is all to confuse. Has anyone ever seen anyone use their hands like she does? It's almost a HYPNOTIC technique she's using. This is one wicked lady. Her eyes are placid and without life and so is her facial expression.