> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Michelle BabyMomma Bama: Barack Obama is a Kenyan and America is too mean

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Michelle BabyMomma Bama: Barack Obama is a Kenyan and America is too mean

Not just once did she do this, but now a second video surfaces as WND has it posted today and here she is making all kinds of "I'm finally proud of my country" remarks, especially at around the 2:13 remark...

All of a sudden he's Kenyan.>I used to think maybe she and he found this all out together as perhaps Obama's mom just lied to him as a child about his birthplace and and her Man Muslim chasing around the world, but this shows I was wrong. 

They knew all along and Obama is hiding this certificate because it would prove he's lied on all kinds of government forms for loans and college admission and that's it. 

This stuff will be coming out like crazy now that even Obama's supporters turn on his Anti American nuttiness and they are doing that in droves..

This was the first "Barry is a Kenyan" video that surfaced a little while back which was also featured by WND in this same article and a couple months ago here.

YouTube - Michelle Obama: Barack Obama is a Kenyan and America is too mean


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. This is EXACTLY why he's spent millions to keep his past hidden.
    He should be hung for treason.  >:o

  2. Yes ma'am on both counts....(they could be listening....ooooooo)  :( >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o :-$ :-$ >:o >:o

  3. The truth will come out sooner or later.  The pressure is on.  This is not going away.  What Michelle has said here, should be enough for the Supreme court to kick him out.  But do they have the guts to stand on their two feet and do what the constitution prescribes?


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