Not know the EnvironMental's will grab this and run right to Washington and get some law passed not that I'm happy to see marine life feeding on garbage inevitably from humans like sweat pants and golf balls which immediately brought this to mind.... "OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Biologists who examined a gray whale that died after getting stranded on a West Seattle beach say it had a large amount of garbage in its stomach -- ranging from a pair of sweat pants to a golf ball.
The scientists say most of the whale's stomach contents was algae -- typical of the bottom-feeding mammals. But they say a surprising amount of human debris was found. Besides the pants and golf ball, there were more than 20 plastic bags, small towels, duct tape and surgical gloves.The 37-foot whale beached itself last Wednesday."
Ya know that's a good point I didn't even think of....Although one would think there might be some blood, they're not sharks as they swallow whole and digest so could be.....