> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Rielle Hunter pictures in GQ are "repulsive," made her cry -- now see the video of the shoot

Monday, March 15, 2010

Rielle Hunter pictures in GQ are "repulsive," made her cry -- now see the video of the shoot

It goes without saying that Hunter, who is John Edwards' love interest outside of his marriage (just in case you're Osama's cave mate and they canceled your New York Times sub...) is a homewrecker, but that tag cuts 2 ways. As Edwards is even more responsible for the relationship if you were to ask me, and my reasoning why is because he was obviously then in the position of being the man "who women swooned over" and payed her to be by his side to sink his hooks into her, which to me shows women can and are as shallow as men often times when it comes to love interests.

But firstly, he's freaking married,  and as we all know to a woman who's dying of cancer. He obviously has no soul but then again he's a lawyer so that should come as no surprise.

So now we all know she's nothing more than an opportunistic tramp, one who gives all respectable women a bad name even more than previously due to her "skank-o - rama" layout with GQ magazine the whole world was introduced to today.

These are the tamest shots really, and don't get me wrong, I'm not Gay, I like to look at beautiful women like the next guy. And she's no skank, just a tramp. lol    So if you like myself have trouble believing that Hunter was repulsed at anytime during the photo shoot, you can see for yourself what a lie that is

(here's the video link if the POS doesn't load)

Rielle Hunter pictures in GQ are "repulsive," made her cry -- but now see video of the photo shoot too!:

Reliable Source -"Ever pose for a magazine in your panties and totally regret it later?

That seemed to be the kind of day Rielle Hunter was having Monday, after photos from her sensational GQ interview hit the Internet and went worldwide. On 'The View,' Barbara Walters said she had talked to John Edwards's former mistress, and she was 'in tears.'

'She found the photographs repulsive,' said the veteran ABC broadcaster. 'When I asked if that was the case, why did she pose the way she did' -- big white shirt, strand of pearls, bare legs curled up on a bed -- 'she said she trusted Mark Seliger, whom she said is a brilliant photographer, and quote, 'I went with the flow.' ' Of all the photos Seliger took, Hunter told Walters she never imagined GQ would run more than, say, one sexy one. 'She cried for two hours,' Walters said.

Seliger, a top portraitist for the big glossy magazines, could not be reached for comment, and his office referred us to GQ -- which happily responded:

'I have no idea how she feels about the photos,' said Editor-in-Chief Jim Nelson. 'but I think you can see how comfortable she was at the shoot by watching the video posted at gq.com.'

(Yes, take a minute to go look.)"  continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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