> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Poll: Most Want GOP to Keep Fighting on Health Bill (Roger That)

Today's world headlines

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Poll: Most Want GOP to Keep Fighting on Health Bill (Roger That)

This sure says a lot about the congressional shenanigans we've ALL witnessed over the past couple weeks watching bribery and coercion in the worst way being used by democrats to pass this obviously bad bill.

Furthermore, the fact that it comes from a member of Obama's unofficial state run MSM lends even more weight to the fact that Americans on both sides are ashamed and embarrassed by this behavior, and are dead set against the Health care bill to boot.

At least in this form and being unfunded, particularly from this obviously untrustworthy and actually criminal 111th congress time and history will determine .

Quite a disparity there again from a poll coming from State Media SEE BS  dontcha' think?  Not to mention this must very disappointing I'm sure to Nancy Pelosi and Obama, who may have to sit down in the Oral Office and have a good cry over the fact that their "Marxist healthcare baby" isn't as popular as they hoped, expecting ticker-tape parades to break out across the land.  And certain induction to the liberal lunatic fringe ideologue Hall of Fame or shame .

Political Hotsheet

CBS News: "A CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts of the health care reform bill.

The Senate version of the legislation was passed by the House Sunday night, and President Obama signed it into law on Tuesday. The House also passed a separate reconciliation bill, which cannot be filibustered, that is now being debated in the Senate. That bill would make changes to the bill already signed into law.

Senate Republicans are now challenging whether the bill is truly a budget reconciliation bill (which is what makes it filibuster-proof) and inserting amendments designed to slow down passage. Republican attorneys general are also planning to challenge the constitutionality of the law.

The poll finds that 62 percent want Congressional Republicans to keep challenging the bill, while 33 percent say they should not do so. Nearly nine in ten Republicans and two in three independents want the GOP to keep challenging. Even 41 percent of Democrats support continued challenges."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Democrats are desperately trying to sweep under the rug the fact that their own in Congress had to be bribed and threatened to get adequate votes to pass this illegal bill. This time it does not come down, Hey we passed it. It comes down to Hey, we bought it.

  2. They're at least doing what they can with such a lopsided loon advantage. I hope the liberals and conservatives have learned a lesson giving one party constitutional rule and especially with democrats. They're like what you would see if the back door of a Brinks truck flew open on the South Side of Chicago.....gee just so happens that that just happened here and we have a picture of it!!!!


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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