> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Legalizing Calif. pot a worry for some growers -

Today's world headlines

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Legalizing Calif. pot a worry for some growers -

Legalizing Calif. pot a worry for some growers:

"REDWAY, Calif. - The smell of pot hung heavy in the air as men with dreadlocks and gray beards contemplated a nightmarish possibility in this legendary region of outlaw marijuana growers: legal weed.

If California legalizes marijuana, they say, it will drive down the price of their crop and damage not just their livelihoods but the entire economy along the state's rugged northern coast.

'The legalization of marijuana will be the single most devastating economic event in the long boom-and-bust history of Northern California,' said Anna Hamilton, 62, a Humboldt County radio host and musician who said her involvement with marijuana has mostly been limited to smoking it for the past 40 years."  continued here...
This photoshop is from Fox's website this morning on this very subject strangely enough, 
as I wrote this last night!!

When I read this piece,  the Opium farmers in Afghanistan come to my mind, who's crop is the easily number one source of income for the middle eastern Terrorism trade, their number one export to the rest of the world, fighting the government and the US to keep their crops from being eradicated by the government.

Reading it, you would think California was becoming nothing more than the country's "weed capital" aside from also being our number one destination of choice for illegal aliens, which is somewhat frightening when you think the government is now looking at this to help balance their budgets state and county wide.

To me this is nothing more than proof they're all smoking "too much" weed out there,  and their thinking is obviously way too clouded. For decades,  hippies have been endlessly clamoring for the legalization of pot, and now that it seems on the cusp of reality with the "medicinal use and growth" already legal there and in 13 other states.

Now, those very same "California Dreaming" Woodstock left overs who aren't in the Obama administration, otherwise known as the "hippies", are all pissed off now because they fear the spread of "corporate weed" if it's  made legal, which would prevent them from continuing to singularly cash in instead!!!(some famous hippies pictured here, we remember them of course)

Don't look now, but with the election of Obama Inc,  the hippies have now officially become "the man"

Funny thing about that, is a segment of Glenn Beck's show  focused on that very thing this evening, how the Woodstock hippies stopped hating "the man" and put on suits and ties and have now themselves BECOME THE MAN!!! The ultimate in liberal hypocrisy which knows no ends.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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