Good riddance you tyrants....maybe next time we can keep them out of the country entirely....coming here isn't a right, it's a privilege that neither of these two terrorizing animals have earned or ever will.
Read yesterday's post on Qaddafi's canceled excellent American Bedouin tent city adventure here if you wish..
Israel National News"Two luxury hotels have dis-invited Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from their dining rooms, where he planned to feast during his visit to New York City. The United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) organization and other protestors still are pressuring the Barclay InterContinental Hotel to hang out a “no vacancy” sign for him.
The campaign against The Barclay has been underway for more than two weeks, but the hotel has not budged. 'By accommodating the Iranian delegation, the InterContinental not only endorses President Ahmadinejad's election but also turns a blind eye to the regime's flagrant violations of human rights and its commitment to illegally developing nuclear weapons,” UANI wrote the hotel."
The Helmsley Hotel ordered the cancellation of a banquet for Ahmadinejad, stating, "Neither the Iranian mission nor President Ahmadinejad is welcome at any Helmsley facility.” Gotham Hall also has cancelled a speech by Ahmadinejad at the facility.
UANI now is working on the Essex House, which is owned by the Jemeirah Group of the Arab Emirates, not to host the Holocaust denier. After UANI learned that the Essex House was booked as a substitute for the Gotham House, UANI president Mark Wallace asked the Essex management to "clarify and reconsider its decision to host the banquet and address and instead decline to provide such a venue for President Ahmadinejad. By doing business with the Iranian government the Essex House is accepting blood money from a regime that brutally suppresses its own people and that is a danger to global security."
Eccentric Libyan dictator Moammar Qadaffi also has found the welcome mat removed for him. The Pierre Hotel told him there “was no room at the inn” and he apparently will have to bunk down at the Libyan mission.
New York Times correspondent Clyde Haberman, who called the visits of Ahmadinejad and Qadaffi “A Gallery of Rogues Assembles,” reported that the Pierre took Qadaffi off the guest roster after hotel guests, paying more than $1,000 night for a room, complained that they do not want him as a neighbor.
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