The total liberal slant of the newspaper industry biggies is entirely responsible for their demise and losses of readership and advertising revenues that go with subscribers, and there's no capitalist reason in the world why "we the people" should be forced to subsidize their massive miscalculations and mistakes.
However, there are a metric ton of great socialist reasons for doing it, that much we do know.
So now the latest charity case on the "Obama the Statist" takeover list are these very papers as he knows damn well when they collapse his favorable ratings will finally soar through the galactic roof as his so called "people" start looking elsewhere for the truth and find it the first places they look .....the conservative blogs and Fox News are about as close as we can get to it for the time being, and that's still lacking in areas.
For some other perspective on this possibility, this was pretty good post on the subject this morning from a blog I read that comes up with ten good reasons why Obama's idea here in this venue sucks big time .....

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