Apparently his my space page says he's 52 instead of the widely thought to be 48 as indicated on his false Certificate Of Life Birth since we haven't seen nor truly verified the actual existence of a true long version birth cert like the rest of us have laying around our houses and offices.
As I said again and again, who the hell really knows where and when this imaginary mirage called Obama was really born and the truth is I don't think he does either as Momma Bama filled little Barry with lots of Bullspit it seems to appear to cover the somewhat nomadic Muslim man hunt she was obviously on her adult life.
The more I see this guy the more I'm reminded of Max Headroom.....remember that advertising creation that creeped everyone out in the 80's?

Obama's MySpace page: I'm 52 years old, not 48:
"If President Obama were indeed born in Hawaii, was it while the islands were a territory of the United States?
A new wrinkle in the dispute over his birth – and whether he is eligible to be president under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that the president be a 'natural born' citizen – appeared today when Obama's official MySpace page declared his age is 52, thus placing his birth year at 1957 instead of 1961 as has been claimed.
That would mean he would have been born during the archipelago's time as a territory of the U.S., the islands' status from about 1900 until statehood in 1959.
The birth year also conflicts with campaign and other White House information that have discussed his 48th birthday this month." more
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