It went from 146,000 per family of four in the weeks before Obama took office to over $1 million per the same family as we sit today.
Hope and Change is all we got left now, thanks to these tax and treasury raping Liberals.
Although Bush didn't exactly trim the fat himself, he did encounter September 11 which put an entirely new security dynamic on the nation never seen in the homeland, and Obama, instead of curtailing spending as he promised, has used the economic downturn to rape and pillage the financial future of your children, all to pay off liberal special interests and Auto Unions.

"Don't Let a Good Crisis go to Waste"
New York Post: "A former official in the George H.W. Bush White House estimates that the bloated public and private debt in the US works out to $250,000 for every man, woman and child in the country.
David Walker, the former US Comptroller General, says that the federal debt level is approaching $55 trillion and if you add in the what is owed on the state and local levels -- plus personal household debt -- it adds up to $75 trillion in obligations.
Walker, who now heads the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, named for the co-founder of the Blackstone Group, warned that without fiscal restraint, Uncle Sam may be guaranteeing that our future is not as prosperous as our past.
At the $75 trillion deficit level a family of four owes $1 million, he said.
Earlier this year Walker wrote on Politico.com: 'Social Security and Medicare alone are already underfunded by about $44 trillion, or $146,000 per American, in today's dollars, and this number is growing on auto pilot every year by about $2 trillion, or $6,600 per American.'"
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