Soledad O Whiner as I call her has been on a "don't you people know who I am" tear since January to get a family dog, albeit a beast of an animal, removed from the housing co-op she lives in up on the snooty
So it looks like today she comes up a loser (just like the Clinton News network she works for ) as the housing board says to O'Whiner better known as O'Brien to "get a life, as Fido, better known as Ugo the Neapolitan Mastiff, bred from an award-winning bloodline, in Turin, Italy, gets to stay, so why don't you leave"
So it looks like today she comes up a loser (just like the Clinton News network she works for ) as the housing board says to O'Whiner better known as O'Brien to "get a life, as Fido, better known as Ugo the Neapolitan Mastiff, bred from an award-winning bloodline, in Turin, Italy, gets to stay, so why don't you leave" TVNewser: "A Housing Court judge has dismissed an eviction case filed by a co-op board, of which CNN's Soledad O'Brien was a member, against a family due to its dog.
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