Rush Trashes Obama: Chavez Book Nothing "Strange" To Him: "Talk radio show host Rush Limbaugh trashed President Obama on Monday night's edition of 'On the Record' on FOX News. Limbaugh said Obama is not interested in continuing the successful policies that prevented terrorism during the Bush administration.
On Obama's Latin American trip: Limbaugh said the president acted like he was 'good friends' with Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and Nicaragua president Daniel Ortega, while they constantly 'trash and destroy' the U.S. Limbaugh said Obama should have known the 'bed of thieves' he was getting in with.
Limbaugh says foreign trips make Obama look god-like and messianic which make it about him. Obama, says Limbaugh, believes the US was an 'unjust' country until he became President.
Limbaugh says Obama wants to tear down the foundation of what makes the U.S.
On Chavez's book: Limbaugh doesn't think Obama will find much in Chavez's book that would be 'strange' or new to him.
On economy: Limbaugh says Obama believes achievers received their fortune by stealing from the poor and he will be the one who gives it back to them."
Today's world headlines
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Rush Gives Jumbo Interview To Greta Monday Night
Pretty Unusual to hear Limbaugh spend so much time in an interview on someone else's show, but last night on Greta Van Susteren he weighed in on many issues regarding Obama's Central American Despot Tour RCP has a breakdown underneath the video/audio embed

Rush Gives Jumbo Interview To Greta Monday Night
The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken
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