> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama's Thuggery With The Bankers Revealed Today

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Obama's Thuggery With The Bankers Revealed Today

I'll let this media filled post speak for itself as to what many of these bankers are contending with in this Obama administration and their flat out thuggery and good old fashioned strong arming that Obama learned from his Chicago mob mentors "Hizzoner" King Daley and the ever popular Hot Rod Blagojevich who we all know as of this morning is now facing life in prison.

And again we Chicagoan's say to the country mostly on the left: you wanted nationalized Chicago politics well now you got 'em. Isn't it pretty? Not.

Listen to what Rush Limbaugh had to say this afternoon about this...
Click here

However this was the public face put on it all when the bankers themselves emerged from the meeting last week all reported this morning in the Politico story excerpted below

Inside Obama's bank CEOs meeting

Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com: "The bankers struggled to make themselves clear to the president of the United States.

Arrayed around a long mahogany table in the White House state dining room last week, the CEOs of the most powerful financial institutions in the world offered several explanations for paying high salaries to their employees — and, by extension, to themselves.

“These are complicated companies,” one CEO said. Offered another: “We’re competing for talent on an international market.”

But President Barack Obama wasn’t in a mood to hear them out. He stopped the conversation and offered a blunt reminder of the public’s reaction to such explanations. “Be careful how you make those statements, gentlemen. The public isn’t buying that.”

“My administration,” the president added, “is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”

The fresh details of the meeting — some never before revealed — come from an account provided to POLITICO by one of the participants. A second source inside the meeting confirmed the details, and two other sources familiar with the meeting offered additional information." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis: “Mr. President, I’m not going to suck up to Geithner and Summers like the other CEOs here have.”

    Is Ken still working for B. of A. or did NObama fire him too? A gutsy comment just the same.

    Just who does this frigging temporary occupant of the White House think he is anyway, the King? When did we change the constitution allowing for that? I don't remember it.

  2. "Just who does this frigging temporary occupant of the White House think he is anyway, the King? "

    He thinks so AA, and he's sadly mistaken as the rage is building and I'm one of the angry mutha's out here as you can count on that not going away any time soon.

    This guy is going too far while making the country less safe at the same time. Just look at the terrorist attack yesterday which I called from the start AA.....

  3. I recall reading a comment on another site that "the only thing standing between Obama and the pitchforks is the Secret Service."

  4. That's a cute one and we chat about that frequently here in the backroom per se... Obama figuratively putting his fricking gun to the head CEOs of these top banks across the country in that meeting is gonna backfire as they will be coming forward this week as one already has,

    I am looking for a quote on that from Judge Napolitano from FNC who spoke of this Friday on the Judge and What's his face show. Kilmeade, that's it.....

    My younger bro Brent,Top right, is a gig wigger Wall Street financier & executive who knows Obama loosely through Chicago Banking channels, and lives 5 houses away from the fraud here in the Kenwood neighborhood of Chicago.

    I'm gonna get some inside scoop on this stuff this week, not on the record but I will be expounding on it further when No Bama returns back to the country to the mess he thought he left behind him when he went onhis Eauro Peeon Vacation...lol


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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