> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Maricopa County Cops Let It Rip,"Keep it up" I Say As We're Behind You Here Officers, and Sheriff Joe Too.....

Today's world headlines

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Maricopa County Cops Let It Rip,"Keep it up" I Say As We're Behind You Here Officers, and Sheriff Joe Too.....

The anger is building as I started saying yesterday with this Gutierrez post and then continuing on that vein as the New York Immigrant and likely Terrorist massacre was taking place, as we True hard working, born and raised Patriotic Americans are sick and tired of you illegals and and their apologists screwing with our lives, livelihoods, property and everything else these people are stealing from us.

And most of all, these rampant racist charges being bandied about from all corner of the left that the illegals are now using as a sword for only protecting what's ours, and disagreeing with the Socialist Nanny State Welfare track that this country has now officially taken, especially since we're the ones paying all the fu**ng bills in this country has now run it's course.

And I got some bad news for all these fu***rs out there: we're fighting back and hard like you people have NEVER seen, bet your Pinata's and camels on that one. No more Mr Nice American, screw that shit the party's over.

The original video can be seen here without all the semi annoying links in the scree, the video autoplays when embedded and I couldn't change the code to stop it so this will have to do here...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. That is powerful. God bless these men and women.

    I don't know the whole story, but bet I could tell it accurately, just from what these men said.

    It's a great thing to see us beginning to strike back about false claims of racial profiling and being racist. It's time.

  2. Here's a perfect link explaining what the PD there is facing from the Mayor who they refer to in the piece kissing up to liberal groups that spread this kind of ANTI SHERIFF propaganda around the net that's now infecting the MSM who gets and takes their cues and stories now from these wacky illegal championing morons on the left.


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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