> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Media Turns Binghamton Killer Into The Victim... "American's To Blame For His Rampage and Crappy English"

Today's world headlines

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Media Turns Binghamton Killer Into The Victim... "American's To Blame For His Rampage and Crappy English"

This story you'll find in it's entirety below these comments is unbelievable, as it paints the poor little Vietnamese immigrant forced into mean old killer because bad and uncaring Americans taunted him to kill as many people as possible because of intolerable racism!!

That's what I read when I saw this piece of liberal garbage this morning, who ever they interviewed blaming America, someone who claims that this nutjob dink from Vietnam kills 14 poor other immigrants who too struggling to learn the language of the country they chose to come and live. what a crock

And if this guy hated America so much as the article quotes him saying quite often to others, then why the fu** didn't he take his Vietnamese backside back to the jungles of Vietnam instead of whining and crying because as he says "people mocked his English", and then turns around uses that an excuse to murder innocent others after losing his job for whatever reasons they were and then the media gladly and gleefully uses that excuse for this act as an acceptable reason?

Can you believe this feel good, blame America first boo hoo garbage? I for one cannot and will not.

Today in this Kum Bah Rak country with these bleeding hearts, "Everything is America's fault" and frankly I'm sick and tired of hearing this crud from around the world, much less the thankless turds like this so called man who blame everything and everyone else for their misgivings and shortcomings, when it's them who lack the fortitude and tenacity to make something of themselves.

The same people who instead are always expecting other American's out doing the heavy lifting everyday and these new style, sackless so called leaders like Uncle Obama to hand everything to these people on a silver platter.

Well here's a tip for any other whiny immigrants ready to go kill everyone at McDonald's today because nobody can understand WTF you're saying.....

Learn better English and quit your whining and blaming us, because this is America Gosh Dammit, and if you can't even manage the simple task of mastering our native language, then we don't need you here as you're nothing but a drain on our resources and good will, so then get with the program or get the F&&K OUT Thank you.

Jiverly Voong, gunman who killed 13 in Binghamton, hated U.S., felt 'degraded' over his bad English:
"The Vietnamese immigrant blamed for the upstate massacre of 13 people was depressed over losing his job and angry over taunts about his poor English, the Binghamton police chief said Saturday.

'He spoke very little or no English, and he was upset that people degraded him and disrespected him for that reason,' Chief Joe Zikuski said on the 'Today' show.

Jiverly Voong, who also used the name Jiverly Wong, slipped into despair after recently losing his job, the chief said - although neither his unemployment or his anger fully explained the cold-blooded rampage inside the American Civic Association.

'At this point, that's really all we have to hang our hat on,' Zikuski said. 'We spoke to his parents, his sister, and we're really not getting anything more.'

Voong, 41, of Johnson City, N.Y., used a borrowed car to block a rear exit before walking wordlessly into the immigrant center and opening fire."

He killed a receptionist and a dozen immigrants studying for a citizenship test before pumping a single bullet into his own head during the Friday morning rampage.

The conditions of four critically injured survivors - including the heroic wounded receptionist who called 911 - were getting better Saturday, according to Binghamton Mayor Matthew Ryan.

"There seems to be some improvement on some of them," Ryan said on the "Today" show.

The receptionist, who feigned death after she was shot in the stomach and then summoned police, was praised by Zikuski for her efforts.

"She's a heroine, and I believe she saved some lives," the chief said. "It is my understanding that as of very early this morning that she is going to make it."

Authorities said 37 hostages escaped unharmed after the bleeding receptionist crawled beneath a desk to dial 911.

Zikuski said there were indications that Voong intended to go down in a blaze of glory by shooting it out with police after his killing spree.

"The suspect may have been ready to confront the police upon our response," the chief said. "We theorize that when he heard the sirens ... he took his own life."

Well, if that's true then I say this......

"What a freaking coward... I wish he had the sack to just go into lay down in a quiet park somewhere and put the gun to his own head, instead of having this Hollywood style "out in a blaze of immigrant Glory" crap in his empty skull, the urge to kill as many others as possible ti make his exit imminent because his miserable life had turned unbearable."

Just another one of life's cowards that left adores so much, who then turn into victims instead of what they really are, just another plain old failure in his own eyes that blames everyone else but themselves for their perceived injustices and shortcomings..


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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