> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Hispanic States Of America, Welcome 210,000 new Legal Amigo's And Senorita's To The New Americana

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Hispanic States Of America, Welcome 210,000 new Legal Amigo's And Senorita's To The New Americana

Well this wonderful news reported this morning below my rant of the day should be great for Rosetta Stone sales as the country becomes Mexico North, as it's giddily being reported in the Associated Press that Over Half of the new citizens sworn into the system last year are of Hispanic heritage, all 221,000 of them, which means that the actual figure of immigration from Mexico is 50 times this, since we know for a fact that the country is filled to the brim with non English speaking Hispanics..

People who certainly aren't legal citizens if they can't even speak our language and certainly aren't interested in becoming Americans as a trip through any Hispanic neighborhood in Chicago and elsewhere will verify within seconds of looking around, not to mention the first time you ask someone for directions or stop at the first McDonald's you can find...

Los Angeles
Does that freaking LA building look like it's occupants and owners want to be Americanized to you?

If it does than you must be of Mexican or Spanish descent, because in the America I grew up in that shit is while certainly eye appealing for a screen print in one's home or computer display wallpaper it looks like crap on any American office building or Apartments and is called Graffiti, which was mostly made popular by two groups of people and those two are the Puerto-Ricans and Blacks up in New York City and the Mexicans and Blacks in CaliMexico.... Nobody who owns their property would paint it like that or this.........


Call it art or whatever you want, I and I'm sure most prefer to live in a community that isn't beautified with spray paint and broken down cars, like most of America's so called urban areas which are strangely more and more resembling this town and I'm sure it won't take long for you to guess where this picture is from///.
It's Tijuana "Mehico" and it looks less Mexican than the two pictures up above especially with an American tour bus parked there, which by the way may as well have "suckers" painted on the side of it for a trip to that town if you've ever been there. Nowadays why go there when one can come here to Chicago and experience this so called Americanized neighborhood, my ass....

Chicago West Side
Pretty American looking to me alright, not the way I wish it to look, that's for damn sure, the Mexican bank there is like the Universal sign for "don't worry, illegals are welcome here and send your money back home via Westerno Uniono" is all it says to me as you pass by these every city block here and I'm sure elsewhere..

And it's only gonna get worse before it gets better as Obama's payback to these people for gtting him elected will be screwing the rest of us with Amnesty.
Almost 1 of 2 new Americans in 2008 was Latino:

"WASHINGTON – Hispanics made up nearly half of the more than 1 million people who became U.S. citizens last year, according to a Hispanic advocacy group.

The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials said the number of Latinos who became Americans in fiscal year 2008 more than doubled over the previous year, to 461,317. That's nearly half of the record 1,046,539 new citizens overall in 2008, a 58 percent increase from 2007.

'Latinos who naturalize are eager to demonstrate their commitment to America by becoming full participants in our nation's civic life,' said NALEO president Arturo Vargas, whose nonpartisan group works to improve the citizenship process and increase Latino participation in civic activities.

NALEO based its findings on Homeland Security Department data on the number of new citizens last year who immigrated from predominantly Spanish-speaking countries.

In a report released in March, the agency attributed the record number of new citizens to the nearly 1.4 million citizenship applications it received in 2007. Most were from people who wanted to beat a $265 increase in the citizenship application fee, from $330 to $595.

But the department also credited "special efforts" by Hispanic media, community groups and a union with high immigrant membership, all of which urged eligible permanent residents to pursue citizenship.

In fiscal year 2008, 231,815 people originally from Mexico became citizens, up almost 90 percent from 2007. Increases in citizenship among Latino immigrants from other countries were: 39,871 from Cuba, up 160 percent from the previous year; 35,796 from El Salvador, up 109 percent; 17,954 from Nicaragua, up 120 percent; and 17,087 from Guatemala, a 109 percent rise.

Most of last year's new Hispanic citizens lived in California, followed by Florida.

Vargas cited the data to encourage the Obama administration and Congress to ease the cost of applying for immigration benefits.
"Despite the record number of naturalization, there are still millions of eligible legal permanent residents who have not yet applied for U.S. citizenship or who encounter barriers in the naturalization process," Vargas s


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. WOW, I had no idea that Chicago had the influx of Mexican immigrants that we see here in San Diego. Honest to God as my witness, many neighborhoods (other than coastal communities that are prohibitively expensive) look no different than TJ. And I am called a racist for even pointing this out here! My aunt works at a local elementary school and the mexican immigrant students (many illegal), know only one word of English on their first day of school. What is it you ask? Free of course!

  2. "WOW, I had no idea that Chicago had the influx of Mexican immigrants "

    Yesssiree, they have the run of the entire near west side which would be like a borough of New York City, Brooklyn perhaps....the suburbs have been overrun in areas and one in particular comes right up to my backdoor figuratively called Wheeling IL

    I understand completely the services being overrun as I'm a part time 911 dispatcher on weekends and we answer calls exclusively from 2 groups each and every weekend without exception. In addition and it's a damn requirement for new hires to know Spanish as unconstitutional is that it's a damn necessity....


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