That is according to the Omega Journal of Death and Dying, which states the median age of death for homosexual men is between 40 and 43 where contrarily the median age of death for heterosexuals is between 74 and 80.
Additionally, in 2003 the Centers for Disease Control noted that homosexuals accounted for nearly 65 percent of all new HIV cases (keeping in mind that they make up only 2-3 percent of the entire population), and that cases of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A and B and virtually every other sexually transmitted disease known to mankind that disproportionately affected the homosexual community.
Or for the phonetically and English comprehensionally challenged I created this photoshop work to explain the shorter life expectancy of gay individuals......

Scary stats indeed that if made more public than they scarcely are might persuade younger kids that perhaps the behavior is abnormal and something they possibly can change, unlike the false claim that people are born this way and have no control over it which I don't buy and never will.
Alternatively, God forbid your heterosexual (hence sexually normal) child wishes to protest the gay indoctrination day, as this is what happened to a young kid in our neighborhood who tried to engage in such an exercise in his and others like him in their own right to free speech during their counter to The Day of Silence called " the "Day of Truth" .
After all, it's the bastardization of the amendment which is being applied in order to let the tiny, minuscule percentage of our communities who think they are gay hijack an entire day of school nationwide by proclaiming to "Break The Silence" of the ones who are not. That same privilege isn't being debated in congress or extended to the the "Day of Truth" people, I wonder why?
So this is what happened to that child when he tried to wear a t-shirt to school like the one featured here in this article last year about a Chicago student who was protesting this mandated "day of atonement" with their own protest day called

Administrators at her Illinois high school told her the latter half of the slogan was offensive.
Unbelievable? To many including myself yes....... but not in the day when a Muslim part time senator campaigning as a devout Christian who hasn't attended church since being elected 75 days ago with very little accomplishments outside of an affirmative action mandated college degree and Law degree could be elected president of the US.
Especially on a simpleton campaign for thinking challenged people out there based on nothing more than popularity mixed with HOPE & CHANGE, when anything could happen at any givem time in this quickly decaying and dying society in which we live today. Anything.
Congress is set to vote on this dangerous precedent of a day that's already taking place all over the country in a week and a half on this very subject as you can read about below..... and one can practically predict what the outcome of that day will be with perhaps openly gay and to many, offensive and outright disgusting congressman Barney Frank dancing around the congress hall that afternoon looking for same sex partner to celebrate the victory with that night.
A feat that shouldn't be too hard in that sick and perverted 111th congress, one devoid of morals and any grasp of our constitution that they spit and piss on every single day passing crazy assed laws like this one.
This by the way is their header found on the "Day Of Silence" website which is obviously a play on the what they call the "silent suffering of homosexuals" who can't go around showing everyone how gay they are apparently, as they all seem to have the propensity to want to do nowadays

That is without a doubt The way God or if you wish 'Mother Nature" created things in the first place in order to procreate and perpetuate the species which obviously homosexuals cannot do, hence the hypothesis and reality that the behavior plays against the laws of nature, I mean how more simple can that be explained to people? Well maybe if put like this .......
If gays cant procreate than how will they perpetuate? They indoctrinate, that's how they grow in numbers, other than adoption and the Octo mom way.
Here now are two stories I spoke of related to this upcoming day of Gay Indoctrination you and others may be interested in reading if you haven't already, the first from the TVC Coalition Protest, and the Second from One News Now regarding the Gay loving and supporting 111th Congress voting April 17th on making it mandatory for all schools to participate in this farcical and frightening event....isn't that nice?
TVC Joins Coalition Protesting Homosexual ‘Day Of Silence’
TVC April 1, 2008 – The Traditional Values Coalition has joined with dozens of pro-family groups to protest the homosexual-inspired Day of Silence in public schools on April 25.The Day of Silence is a propaganda campaign created by the Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network (GLSEN). It is designed to promote the homosexual agenda among our nation’s teenagers and to recruit them into the homosexual lifestyle and political activism continued
Congress to vote on 'Day of Silence'
( "A pro-family advocate is urging people to voice their concern over a resolution sitting before Congress.
Day of Silence Congressional Resolution 92 will receive an up-or-down vote on or before April 17, which is the National Day of Silence -- a day when students across America are encouraged to show their support for the homosexual community by refusing to speak.
The resolution seeks to affirm congressional support for the event and encourage local education authorities to adopt policies that prevent bullying based on sexual orientation. Laurie Higgins is the director of the division of school advocacy with the Illinois Family Institute (IFI).
'It requests that the president issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the National Day of Silence with appropriate ceremonies, programs, and activities,' she explains.
Higgins urges concerned citizens to contact their congressmen and strongly express their concern. The resolution, she argues, is an outrage, and adds that Congress has no right to take a position on this issue, which is being pushed by a group known as GLSEN, or the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network. continued
We are becoming a country of pathos. It's all about emotions and it's robbing people of their common sense and to logically make decisions. School children think emotionally these days. It's about how they feel, not about what is right and wrong. It's not about directing them to a good path for life. They must feel good. It's this crap and these stupid silences that continue to ruin this country as people have become so overcome by feelings they fail to see the truths.
ReplyDeleteI love Savage on this issue when he goes into his 'they must Feeeeeeeel good, they all have to not hurt everyone's feeeeeeeelings. It might make them saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, and that would be so baaaaaaaaaaaaaad....etc
ReplyDeleteIts filling this country full of pussies who will be ripe for the coming Muslim invasion and massacre Clay, too bad, I won't be here to see it thank goodness.