> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Do The Obama's Posess Any Semblance of Class Whatsoever?

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Do The Obama's Posess Any Semblance of Class Whatsoever?

This unlike my previous post is not an April Fools Joke Folks

You'd think they would've learned their lessons from their last kick in the groin to the British a few weeks ago, but apparently the Obama's are disconnected from reality and everything else when it comes to being stately and representing the country abroad and at home with a smidgen of class.

Listen To Rush Limbaugh smoke Obama for this lame assed gift
click here

And the left used to savage the Bush administration for receiving gifts, which by the way they never keep as law doesn't allow it and they're usually warehoused and auctione off, yet that didn't stop the left and the MSM for piling on every time they got one as this search reveals?

Steel Magnolia lady likeLaura Bush woulda drop kicked George for a buffoonish gifts like these, and certainly wouldn't sign her name to such a pathetic offering to another world leader or just about any person for that matter as the Obama's have done twice now.

I gave my little 8 year old nieces and nephews IPODS and IPhones as they got older for their birthdays for cripes sake, I can't believe the "chincy-ness" of these cheapskates and they're not the Evan's from Good Times either, I mean even they would've given better gifts to the Brits and especially Royalty than the Obama's have.

How embarrassing to America and it now looks like we'll have to get out the apology notes again like we did after Gordon Brown got bitch slapped with unplayable DVD's on his trip here....

click pic to enlarge
Barack Obama's gift for the Queen: an iPod, your Majesty ::

Toby Harnden
: "Barack Obama met the Queen at Buckingham Palace today and gave her a gift of an iPod loaded with video footage and photographs of her 2007 United States visit to Richmond, Jamestown and Williamsburg in Virginia. In return, the Queen gave the President a silver framed signed photograph of herself and the Duke of Edinburgh - apparently a standard present for visiting dignitaries.

It is believed the Queen already has an iPod, a 6GB silver Mini version she is said to have bought in 2005 at the suggestion of Prince Andrew.

UPDATE: Pool reporter Richard Wolf of USA Today says that an Obama aide told him the President also gave the Queen a 'rare songbook signed by Richard Rogers'. END UPDATE

Earlier, Mr Obama had spoken of his admiration for Her Majesty but indicated that his wife was handling the details of their royal meeting. 'There's one last thing that I should mention that I love about Great Britain, and that is the Queen,' he said at the end of his joint press conference with Gordon Brown.

'And so I'm very much looking forward to meeting her for the first time later this evening. And as you might imagine, Michelle has been really thinking that through -- because I think in the imagination of people throughout America, I thi"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Your image is brilliant, but I know you didn't really have to ask if the Obamas had class. They are an embarrassment.

  2. Thanks on the PShop///They sure the freak are classless people though. I just put a Rush clip there if you missed him...

    And Clay like I said, these people aren't from the projects, and they attend high society functions, so one can only surmise they calculate this so the brothers and sisters don't think they're high society...how else can you explain it?


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