> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Australian Super Dawg To Get His Own Reality Survival Show...Just Kidding kind of

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Australian Super Dawg To Get His Own Reality Survival Show...Just Kidding kind of

Just saw this on Fox and friends this morning, and they don't get any stranger yet with happier endings than this story in the day of sad and often sick endings that we see more and more of since the net gives us that ability to consume and share all this information instantaneously both good and bad.

Well here's a good one about a crazy lost dog that completed his very own Survival test and deserves a few milk bones and a TV show on animal planet for this triathlonic feat...

They sure are man's best and perhaps last real friends in this dangerous world today .......If you didn't catch this ...do read what this dog must have done to reach it's home after falling overboard a boat excursion with his family, incredible.....(see video here)

Pet dog survives four months lost at sea off Australia

Telegraph: "Australian cattle dog Sophie Tucker, named after the famous 20th century vaudeville star, fell overboard in bad weather off the coast of Queensland in late November.

Her owners Jane and Dave Griffith, who were on a sailing holiday in the Whitsundays when the incident occurred, were convinced there was no way she could have survived in the choppy waters.

'We hit a rough patch and when we turned around the dog was gone,' Mrs Griffith said.
We were able to back track to look for her, but because it was a grey day, we just couldn't find her and we searched for well over an hour.

'We thought that once she had hit the water she would have been gone because the wake from the boat was so big.'"

But, unbeknown to the Griffiths, Sophie Tucker had survived. To stay alive, the hardy dog swam five nautical miles through stormy seas to St Bees Island.

There, she managed to fend off starvation by hunting wild baby goats until she was captured last week by rangers who patrol the largely uninhabited island. They believed they had caught a wild dog until they were contacted by Mrs Griffith, who had heard that a cattle dog had been spotted in the region.

"She was seen on St Bees looking pretty poor and then all of a sudden she started to look good and that was when they discovered she was eating baby goats," Mrs Griffith said.

"She had become quite wild and vicious. She wouldn't let anyone go near her or touch her. She wouldn't take food from anyone.

Canine experts in Australia have said Sophie Tucker's story of survival is miraculous.

Vicki Lomax, an RSPCA vet, said her breed and her level of fitness had helped.

"Cattle dogs are probably the most suited type of dog to survive something like this, but it would have been a major ordeal for her," Dr Lomax told brisbanetimes.com.au

"Five nautical miles is an incredibly big distance to swim for any type of dog and I dare say the current would have helped her along a bit, but she is lucky she hasn't been taken by a shark.

"If this had been a Pomeranian, I don't think it would have been a happy ending – it's hair would probably have been too heavy."

Since her rescue, Sophie Tucker has been quick to readjust to the comforts of home, complete with air-conditioning.

"She surprised us all. She was a house dog and look what she's done, she's swum over five nautical miles, she's managed to live off the land all on her own," Mrs Griffiths said. "We wish she could talk, we truly do."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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