> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Pilot of Stolen Cessna Terrorist Feeler, Dupe Perhaps...

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pilot of Stolen Cessna Terrorist Feeler, Dupe Perhaps...

This my friends is how this whole thing will play out..

My bet is that this "shootdown hope" of his is just cover. As I totally believe this was a terrorist feeler, seeing how far he could get and taking notes all along the way as were his higher ups, and will likely somehow weasel out of it by playing the dumb, sad Muslim immigrant.

He who will then exploit the authorities fear of the attacks they will receive of racism and the whole kitchen sink. Then he will likely be defended by CAIR who are in the plan themselves as the agents of terror that they really are cover for and when the going gets tough.

Then in then end he'll be handsomely rewarded by his terrorist handlers in some way or another, Ill bet anyone anything on this one.

Pilot of Stolen Cessna Wanted U.S. Fighter Jets to Shoot Him Down -

ABC News: "The Canadian man wholed fighter jets on a chase across six states yesterday flew his stolen plane into the U.S. in hopes the military would shoot him down and kill him, according to a Missouri state trooper who apprehended the rogue pilot.

Yavuz Berke, who allegedly stole a Cessna plane from a Canadian flight school and was pursued for hours across the Midwest by fighter jets, was taken into custody after he landed on a Missouri highway late today and took off running.

Missouri State Trooper Justin Watson told 'Good Morning America' that 31-year-old Yavuz Berke, formerly known as Adam Leon, wanted to commit suicide, but didn't have the courage to do it himself.

'His idea was to fly the aircraft into the United States where he would be shot down,' Watson said. 'He stated several times that at any time he thought he was going to be shot down.'

And he came close several times, Watson said."

That my friends is all bullshit made for the media to consume and spread to also protect the "poor wittle muswim community"....mark my words


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I think you are right Ray. The government wouldn't tell us the truth anyway.

  2. Thanks Soldier because you and I are exactly right, the government has been told to stand down on the anti Muslim rhetoric and the terrorists know this, hence will start the feelers to test our defenses.

    Seeing which crack they can crawl through. 912 is on it's way.

    The people in this country scare me Sir, they are imbeciles who will buy anything hook line and sinker, what the hell happened to this place (rhetorical question).,..


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