> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The US Becomes A Nation Of Wussies / Need Big Brother Crying Website

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The US Becomes A Nation Of Wussies / Need Big Brother Crying Website

This little created recession is here upon us courtesy liberal democrats talking down the economy so bad for so long, going way back to 2006 when everything in America's economy was primo and here's PROOF of that concerted effort on the left to bring down Bush to hurt republicans for the election in 2008, it's that simple.

That's when employers started laying off people prematurely, and people stopped spending in anticipation of losing their jobs and so what we have on our hands now is a self fulfilling prophecy that they and their major top donor and boss George Soros created to get Obama elected. Not to mention Democrats forcing banks and misappropriation of funds in the billions at Fannie mae and Freddie Mac by Franklin Raines and other along with lying to congress and the country about the health of the units after warnings from the Bush administration all the way back to 2002

The problem is that's it swung way out of control and became a worldwide crisis that they ignorantly didn't anticipate, all created to discredit George Bush and keep John McCain out of the white house which they did with the created crisis, a man who they all knew would've kept his word and sweep Washington clean of waist deep scum as much as possible, unlike the bought and owned slave Obama who is George Soros's hand puppet.

So now Obama and friends have created a website for all the boo hoo Barry's out there who can't stop crying in the face of despair and the challenges they face!!!

Can you believe what this country has come to? Jesus Great God Almighty please save us all from these weaklings and wussies, MOST of whom don't know what real pain and suffering is really like. As this recession is nothing compared to 1929 nor what awaits this country if Obama and Pelosi aren't stopped dead in their tracks from further destroying American business to make us all slave to the state you morons.

Well we know one thing, the site will be most often visited by the very same people who voted for the very same people who are causing them all this distress, the damn government .. poor idiots

Website offers emotional rescue from economy

Reuters: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Stressed out by the economy? The U.S. government is offering an online emotional rescue kit.

The 'Getting Through Tough Economic Times' guide at www.samhsa.gov/economy/ is meant to help people identify any serious health concerns related to financial worries, develop coping skills and find help, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration said on Tuesday.

Studies show a serious risk of clinical depression, anxiety and compulsive behaviors such as gambling, overeating and even spending stemming from stress, SAMHSA said.

'By helping people remain resilient, we can help promote the overall recovery of our nation,' SAMHSA Acting Administrator Eric Broderick said in a statement.

Of particular importance is helping people see the warning signs of depression, suicidal thinking and other serious mental illnesses, SAMHSA said.

These include, according to the website:

*Persistent sadness/crying

*Excessive anxiety

*Lack of sleep/constant fatigue

*Excessive irritability/anger

*Increased drinking

*Illicit drug use, including misuse of medications

The site directs people to caregivers and also offers tips on ways to reduce the causes of stress, such as finding a new job and refinancing mortgages.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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