> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: WE TOLD YOU SO..... AYERS NAPERVILLE SPEECH CANCELLED ..

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I personally worked my ass off on this as promised and we have delivered as promised last Thursday in this post on the day of the original announcement news release, and here over the weekend that this unrepentant domestic terrorist and close friend of Obama wouldn't speak in our back yards to our High School Students on OUR DIME and we delivered..

That's two cancellations across the country in three days. The other being at Boston College as we posted over the weekend with glee.

We don't fu** around anymore when it comes to this guy and Obama's radical agenda coming into our backyards anymore, as these liberals ruined Chicago and now the country and I can say we've had it...

I and my next door neighbor personally spammed the Naperville North Email Boxes of all available officials from Thursday to Monday afternoon with over 50 emails alone with the message I posted for others to use here last Thursday along with some heated yet dignified phone messages . They claim they only received 125 and that is a lie

Now word comes late Monday night that our work payed off and Ayers is officially canceled..... Thank you, Thank you......as I pat myself on the back , as this stuff works once in while once one applies themselves. It sure as hell beats sitting on our asses doing nothing while the country is hijacked from under our noses...

Public anger leads to Ayers cancellation :

: Naperville Sun :: Local News:On second thought, Dr. William Ayers won’t be coming to Naperville after all.

After a weekend of hostile e-mails from area residents, Naperville Community Unit School District 203 rescinded its invitation to the 1960s radical to address students April 8 at Naperville North High School.

Bill Ayers, a former member of the radical Weather Underground, was scheduled to speak at Naperville North High School, but the school canceled his visit.

Superintendent Dr. Alan Leis released a statement Monday that noted the district’s original reaction was a possible change in venues, saying “over the weekend, however, it became clear that this issue was not really about where Dr. Ayers was speaking, but that he was speaking at all.”

Contacted later, Leis elaborated on his decision.

“Lots of people have concerns about him,” he said, referring to the community’s reaction. “I have heard from other districts that have had him speak. Some said it was a beneficial experience and some things I heard clearly bothered me.”

Ayers is a Glen Ellyn native and University of Illinois-Chicago professor of education who admitted to participating in domestic bombings as a way of protesting the Vietnam War.

Opinions differ over whether or not Ayers has expressed remorse for the bombings. Most of the bombings were against military or police targets.

A New York Times review upon the publication of his memoir in 2001 quoted him as saying, “I don’t regret setting bombs ... I feel we didn’t do enough.” Ayers disputed the quote, saying it was a “deliberate distortion.”

Ayers was invited to speak to students by Kermit Eby, history teacher at Naperville North. Although the event was not mandatory for any student and students had to get their parents’ permission to attend, the outcry against Ayers’ former life became too much for the district. Leis strongly defended Eby, noting that he also invited Vietnam veterans to give their perspective on the war that claimed more than 58,000 American lives.

District 203 Director of Communications Melea Smith said the district had received more than 125 e-mails over the weekend and the sentiment ran against Ayers’ coming to visit. “It’s a mixed bag,” Smith said. “The majority of people are angry.”

Ayers also was scheduled to appear the evening of April 8 at Anderson’s Bookshop, 123 W. Jefferson St., but that event has been canceled as well, according to Candy Purdom of the bookshop.

Ayers had also been invited to speak at Boston College by two student groups, but university officials rescinded that invitation Friday and on Monday said he would not be allowed to speak via videoconference either.

The Associated Press contributed to this report


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Good job Ray! I owe you a beer the next time I am back home in Chicagoland.

  2. Thanks Clay, I really did bust their chops on this emailing my post over and over and enlisted a few friends to call and complain and it made a difference for sure,

    These people stop serving ice cream and and hanging Christmas ornaments from just one complaining Muslim so I figured it's our turn this time....


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