Many in fact claim he, Montecore, sensed his trainer Roy in danger or out of sync in the act and was simply removing him from the perceived danger, only it's grabbing the fallen Horn by the neck caused unintended severe head injury and blood loss as a result of it's following confusion by refusing to release Horn from it's grip as people rushed to Roy's aid on the live stage.
While in Vegas after years of worldwide shows and tours, many younger people only know of the two from a cameo appearance they made in the goofy but humorous Vegas Vacation, part of the Chevy Chase movie franchise from the eighties and nineties

Here's a Discovery Channel Segment that reconstructed the attack on Roy Horn a while back in 2008
Siegfried and Roy take final bow for charity
- ABC "LAS VEGAS (AP) - A standing ovation for a final performance by illusionists Siegfried and Roy, and the Bengal tiger that ended their careers and nearly killed one of them.
The brief charity show saw Roy Horn and Siegfried Fischbacher side by side with Montecore, the massive white tiger that brutally mauled Horn during a 2003 performance, partially paralyzing him.
Horn re-emerged last night dressed in black robes, his face covered with a skeletal mask. The dark stage was covered in smoke. Horn limped slowly onstage, often steadying himself on Fischbacher's shoulder.
The two performed a signature illusion where Fischbacher 'disappears' from a cage to be replaced by the tiger.
As the crowd took to its feet, the men removed their masks with Fischbacher standing between the tiger and Horn. They waved and blew kisses at the audience, but said nothing.
The performance was to benefit the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health. It will air Friday on ABC's 20/20."
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