> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Mexican Illegals & Legal Both Protest Sheriff Joe Upholding AZ Laws

Today's world headlines

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mexican Illegals & Legal Both Protest Sheriff Joe Upholding AZ Laws

My question for illegals is of the economy is so in the tank, everything is breaking down in the financial and employment world and they're only here to do the jobs that Americans won't do or can't get is more like it (since businesses have found a source of labor that hardly costs them anything) what are they all sticking around for?

Why, their slice of Obama's welfare package that's what they're hanging around for, if there's supposedly no work what else would it be? I just wish more cities and towns had sheriff's like Joe Arpaio who sends these people packing back whence they came and hopefully where more and more will be headed in these tough economic times. I wish we could get Joe to ride into town here and every other sanctuary city across Americo I mean America for a year or two.

I like this picture where they roll out the wheelchairs and all the sad sacks they can find to protest Arpaio upholding the laws, and for this he's called and equated to a terrorist by some woman who like everyone else in the picture seem that the only thing American about them is every person in the picture being overweight.

Protest against Sheriff's immigration policy heats up

- Phoenix Arizona news, ABC15.com: "PHOENIX -- Tensions rose between two large groups of protesters in downtown Phoenix on Saturday afternoon.

At issue, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's stand on immigration and his policy to detain undocumented immigrants.

A group of about 1,000 people turned out to march from Steele Indian School Park, along Central Avenue to protest Arpaio's practices.

According to Sheriff's Office spokesman Doug Matteson, one man was cited for carrying a concealed weapon after he made verbal threats against Arpaio. He reportedly was also carrying handcuffs and a Los Angeles police department badge.

Deputies are investigating whether the man was permitted to carry the handgun.

The route continued downtown to the Wells Fargo building where Arpaio's offices are located. There is no word on whether the Sheriff was there.

The mostly-peaceful march suddenly turned tense, as a group of Arpaio supporters numbering in the hundreds began to shout at protesters along their route.

Phoenix police officers were posted along the route to keep both sides safe.

“We are excited to see such a strong and peaceful showing of opposition to the wrong-headed policies of Sheriff Jo” Salvador Reza of Puente said in a news release after the march. “... 5,000 marched today to make sure that the abuses that we’ve suffered under for far too long move from the local to being dealt with on the national level as well.”

Arpaio said that if the feds want to change the laws, he's still got two state laws on the books to support his efforts to crack down on undocumented immigrants.

The marchers arrived at the Sandra Day O'Connor Federal Building at about 1:30 p.m."

So it's a wong headed policy to kick illegal aliens out of the country, that's the attitude these people. They think they're the only ones in thsi country that work hard and frankly I'm sick of hearing how much they contribute and how hard they work. Everyone I know and am related to does the same damn thing day after day, as legal citizens


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

1 comment:

  1. Remember, those big marches a few years ago were arranged by anti-American communist groups. I suspect the same is going on here. It must hurt to realize that your country is such a colossal failure that you have to turn tail and run into the arms of the likes of that.


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