> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Obama, New Cheat Executive of Government Motors" Announcement Today

Today's world headlines

Monday, March 30, 2009

"Obama, New Cheat Executive of Government Motors" Announcement Today

Why is it that Americans can't see why this was done this way, even the experts? They spent these billions to keep the company from Bankruptcy which it needed only for one reason and one reason only:

As a payoff to the Unions

Mostly the UAW, who's contracts could have been and would have been torn to shreds in a Reorganization headed by trustees, whereas in this case the Commander in Cheat Obama and Turbo Tim keep up the good cop, bad cop routine and play the public spanking supposedly "firing" the CEO but denying it while behind the scenes laughing as the contracts all stay intact and GM is bailed out from head to toe with our money and an Obama like puppet is installed as the new CEO. Is that so hard to figure out?

Apparently it is.

Wake the f*** up America.....

GM, Chrysler Get Ultimatum From Obama on Turnaround - Automotive * US * News * Story - CNBC.com: "President Obama asserted unprecedented government control over the auto industry Monday, rejecting turnaround plans from General Motors and Chrysler and raising the prospect of controlled bankruptcy for either ailing auto giant.

Eager to reassure consumers, Obama also announced the federal government would immediately begin backing the warranties that new car buyers receive _ a step designed to signal that it is safe to purchase U.S.-made autos and trucks despite the distress of the industry.

In a statement read at the White House, Obama said he was 'absolutely committed' to the survival of a domestic auto industry that can compete internationally. And yet, 'our auto industry is not moving in the right direction fast enough,' he added."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray, we better do something fast. It's getting harder to keep up with Obama's pace, and each day he shocks me even more with his abuse of power. Did you ever think you would see the day where a President basically fires a CEO of a major corporation?

    I have 19 blogs today to show for the abuse of power going on in our government, and my words aren't taking back our country. We need to move forward with a real revolution before it's too late. They arne't paying attention to blogs, polls, and tea parties. There's only one thing they will pay attention to.

  2. We really do and 2010 midterms are too far off to wait. I do hope for his own sake that the people on the left start to realize the mistake they made and join us as Americans to reclaim Washington from these power abusers run amok.

    Otherwise all that's left is the dreaded Camelot option and no one want's to see that but there's bound to be forces lurking who do.


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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