> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Nothing Worse Than The "Dirty" Cops, Other Than Dirty Law "Makers" That Is..

Today's world headlines

Monday, March 2, 2009

Nothing Worse Than The "Dirty" Cops, Other Than Dirty Law "Makers" That Is..

Here's one NY cop who could use less donut
shakedowns , he aint chasin' nobody, that's for sure

Actually all dirty police officers no matter where they suit up and work are to me the lowest of the low, just like all others who are placed in the public trust zone like the 60% dirty world of politics that too often seems more like 90%, and actually may be 90 to 99% when looking at the state of our country from city to city at this very moment.

It's also never fair to paint any group with a broad brush but we can be safe in assuming that corruption is only going to rise exponentially across the nation in all sectors as financial hardship spreads like wildfire when Obama's policies really hit the fan like the sh** they are, and the fear of God and disrespect for authority sinks below basement levels across our population, due to bad upbringing as that lack of morals and values spreads from the criminal underworld to the business and municipal sector as it obviously has more than ever in our history.

There's always been bad apples throughout time and there always will be, but must this present society we're all a part of be trying to break the record for scum amongst our ranks, ranging from teaching to business to government, or basically everywhere we look?

Today's slime is some 100 or so New York cops who are being outed as the latest bunch of crooks in uniform doing a disservice to the honest law enforcement men and women out there, who's ranks also seem to be sadly shrinking. All one can say is "God help us all" as the honest people out there to "serve and protect" us are quickly losing out to the ones that are out there to "Screw and Collect".

This is making the honest cop's job nearly impossible to do along with fighting rampant PC liberals and opportunistic minority groups with their Shyster spokespeople again making the job less and less "fillable" with top quality candidates, and who can really blame the best and smartest of them for choosing another way to make a living. .


- New York Post: "MOVE over, Mafia Cops! More than 100 of New York's Fin est were investigated last year for allegedly associating with criminals - from boozing with mobsters to pulling off robberies with gang members to even carrying on affairs with lowlife drug dealers, The Post has learned.

The figure represents about half of the serious Internal Affairs corruption investigations, according to sources."

The figure represents about half of the serious Internal Affairs corruption investigations, according to sources.

"It is one of the big problems the Police Department faces," said a source familiar with the NYPD's hard-charging efforts to root out wrongdoers.

In one astounding case, transit cop Yaniris Balbuena, 31, was charged this month with laundering $250,000 for her heroin-trafficking common-law husband - even making money pickups on Bronx street corners for his far-flung operations, which reached into the Dominican Republic, federal documents show.

Balbuena at one point told her boyfriend he "needed to change his lifestyle and live an honest life with a normal job . . . [But] he enjoyed his luxurious lifestyle and expensive cars," the documents say.

Balbuena and her boyfriend, who have two children together, limited their bank deposits to under $10,000 to avoid triggering bank reports, the documents show. They held eight accounts.

Days before her arrest, narcotics cop Jerry Bowen admitted stealing drugs from dealers and giving them to informants as part of a deal to cooperate in a case against three Brooklyn cops nabbed with him last June.

Other high-profile arrests last year:

* Sgt. Roosevelt Green was caught on a wiretap running license-plate checks in his police car for reputed Long Island crack dealer Frank "Big Banana" Wilson, who was correctly concerned that he was being tailed by the feds.

Green, an 11-year veteran, allegedly sold his badge for a pair of sneakers.

Green was indicted by the feds for helping out the drug dealer from his hometown of Wyandanch, LI.

* Jorge Arbaje-Diaz, a Bronx cop for three years, was charged federally with participating in a violent stickup crew that posed as cops while committing 100 armed robberies of drug traffickers along the East Coast, netting millions in cash and drugs, according to prosecutors.

He is suspected of committing the crimes virtually since the day he raised his right hand and swore to uphold the law, prosecutors said. continued at NY post website or here's the full article...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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