> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Dr Seuss' 105th Birthday Today, and what better way to celebrate .....

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Dr Seuss' 105th Birthday Today, and what better way to celebrate .....

.......than to hear Jesse Jackson the Master Race Baiter himself read Green Eggs and Ham, the only time the human moth has been filmed in his notorious history not blackmailing some corporation or the Caucasian race for some racial transgression or another whether intentional or not.

Of coarse the Reverend has been knocked to the backbench by the newest racial opportunist, Barack Hussein Obama/..


Jesse Jackson Reads Seuss - Click here for another funny movie.
Childrens book author would have been 105

Dr. Seuss birthday: - Arts - NJ.com: "Born Theodor Seuss Geisel on March 2, 1904 in Springfield, Massachusetts, the author first became a writer while still a freshman in Dartmouth college while wor king on the 'Dartmouth Jack-o-Lantern' and eventually became editor-in-chief.

But just how did he get that pen name? He was caught by the school administration while throwing a drinking party during Prohibition and school wanted him to resign from his extracurricularular activities. He used his noodle and began sign his work with moniker 'Dr. Seuss' so he could co ntinue to work with the Jack-o-Lantern.

Seuss populated his odd and fanciful kiddie books with a hybrid bestiary of Wockets, Whos, Grinches, bunches of Hunches, Bar-ba-loots, red fish, blue fish, and a fox in socks. The stories had an incantatory, rhythmic pace, and are full of tongue-twisters, word play, and highly inventive vocabulary."

His most famous book includes "The Cat and the Hat" (1957), a story about two children who find themselves home alone with a roguish, hat-wearing feline who is a study in bad behavior. With only 223 vocabulary words and much repetition, it was ideally suited for beginning readers and became a lively alternative to the wooden dullness of the "See Spot run" primers.

"Green Eggs and Ham" (1960) managed with a vocabulary of just fifty words to tell the story of a Seuss creature's relentless crusade to introduce a hapless furry character to a revolting dish.

Here's the real green eggs and ham for those who've never seen it.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I use to love reading the Dr Seuss books when I was a kid.

  2. Me too Soldier, some of my first reading, today they start em off with books like these:

    "Johnny likes Johnny The Other Way".....

    there's "Felicia's Favorite Story," which tells how she was "adopted by her two mothers."

    ..also a book called "Are You a Girl or a Boy?" by Karleen Jiminez, for children ages 4-8 advocating homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism and other alternative lifestyle choices.

    Isn't that swell?

  3. I like Dr. Seuss. I was disappointed to learn he was inspired by Gertrude Stein. Check out As My Wife Has a Cow to see the resemblence.

  4. American defector, one of those dreaming artists withering their days away in France sipping wine on the Riverbank aaaaaaaaarrrgggggh....\
    I know what you mean Clay, maybe his tru unbalance is what allowed him to dream whoville and the likes without LSD...


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