> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: For Once Euro Peeons Smarter Than The US

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Monday, March 2, 2009

For Once Euro Peeons Smarter Than The US

They may actually have to bail us out at some point in the future for the first time, now it's becoming much clearer I hope to Obama supporters why the world was truly elated when you people outnumbered us thanks to ACORN's fraud at the polls in November.

They can't wait to see us on our knee's begging them to crawl into the Euro fold and burn the American dollar which Obama may just be part of. Otherwise they like we knew he was too green and stupid to lead such a complicated country and it's super complicated free market system.

They say no to the bailout bonanza and good for them for once in my 44 years.

EU Rejects a Rescue of Faltering East Europe

- WSJ.com: "BRUSSELS -- European Union leaders, led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, rejected a call by Hungary for a sweeping bailout of Eastern Europe, as the bloc struggled to find consensus on an approach to the spiraling financial crisis at a summit Sunday.

The global recession has greatly strained the bonds holding together the 27 nations that now make up the European Union, formed in the wake of World War II, and poses the most significant challenge in decades to its ideals of solidarity and common interest

Ms. Merkel said she couldn't see the need for a broad grant of aid to Eastern Europe. 'The situation is very different' in Europe's economies. 'We cannot compare Slovakia nor Slovenia with Hungary,' she told reporters.">

Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany, who proposed a bailout package of up to €190 billion ($240.84 billion), warned that without aid a "new Iron Curtain" would descend on Europe and again separate East from West. Hungary has been battered by declining demand for its exports and a plummeting currency -- straining Hungarians who borrowed in euros to buy houses that have now sunk in value.

The summit was originally called by Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek to discuss concerns about rising protectionism in stimulus plans being proposed by individual nations. With the recent collapse of the government in Latvia, Eastern Europe's growing problems became the main focus. But leaders left Brussels with few concrete decisions and no indication that the richer EU states of Western Europe would be white knights for the East.

Consensus was hard to find even in Eastern Europe: leaders of relatively stronger countries -- fearful of appearing weak and being tarnished by international markets to which they need access for borrowing -- split with their neighbors over the wisdom of bailouts.

"Our position is that we must differentiate between countries that are in difficulties and those that are not," Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski said. Poland, which benefited from years of healthy economic growth, is in better shape that some of its more-indebted neighbors. But it has seen a substantial fall in the value of its currency as investors scramble out of the region.

Hungary also proposed speeding up adoption of the euro -- now generally used by the Western European countries -- in the East.

Strict EU rules meant to maintain the euro's strength require that countries have strong fiscal positions before adopting the common currency. That has left out Eastern European nations grappling with budget deficits, inflation -- or both.

The fall of Iceland -- whose banks failed in part because Iceland's currency collapsed -- has reinvigorated calls by a number of countries to make it easier to join the safety and stability of the euro.

picks up at the 6th paragraph below the picture...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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