> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: This So Called Stimulus Is Nothing More Than Fireplace Kindling

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This So Called Stimulus Is Nothing More Than Fireplace Kindling

Not only was this monstrosity the most blatant and open political payoffs and bribes in American history is was also an environmental Obamination as a former printer I can tell you that each copy of this bill at 1000 plus pages per copy results in a mountain of wasted trees and paper to reproduce

Each 5 copies translate into roughly a case of either 20 lb or 60lb offset duplicating paper containing 500 sheets each, so if each member of congress were to receive only one copy of this abortion of a bill, that would translate into 3 Skids/ or Pallets equaling 150 cases of 8.5 X 11 in paper or 75 cases of 11”x17 . And remember, that's just for 1 copy per member which we all know is hardly possible as it's likely these things are being printed and shipped all over the country in spite of the obvious ability for the thing to be viewed and printed out individually since it was presented online in PDF format which is actually ideal for printing at a later time by a widespread group of spread out individuals but did suck for searching purposes as was an issue at it's release of coarse.

So sad coming from the supposed party and president of the environment and energy conservation, especially when these bills eventually end up exactly where they belong, being torched in incinerators around the country or used as fire kindling with likely very little of it being recycled at all....

This is what should've been done with it way before it was signed by Obama who also spent a mountain of money flying around the country, from Chicago to Denver to Washington, about 2500 miles at 65,000 an hour in Air Force One with Joe Biden flying separately from Washington to Denver and back. Great way to show frugality in government

Obama signs stimulus bill, readies homeowner plan:

My Way News - "DENVER (AP) - Racing to reverse the country's economic spiral, President Barack Obama signed the mammoth stimulus package into law Tuesday and readied a new $50 billion foreclosure rescue for legions of Americans who are in danger of losing their homes.

There was no recovery yet for beleaguered automakers, who were back in Washington for more bailout billions. General Motors Corp. (GM) said it was closing plants, Chrysler LLC said it was cutting vehicle models and both said they were getting rid of thousands more jobs as they made their restructuring cases for $5 billion more for Chrysler and as much as $16.6 billion more for GM. The United Auto Workers union said it had agreed to tentative concessions that could help Detroit's struggling Big Three.

Anything but reassured, Wall Street dove ever lower. The Dow Jones industrials fell 297.81 points, closing less than a point above their lowest level in five and a half years." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Nice job with the picture Ray. Mine looks so plain now.

  2. Flattery will get you everywhere :)

    thanks man, here's one with your name on it if you want it, dont feel obligated to use it really, but feel free if you do....


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