> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Pulling The GPS Bait And Switch With LaHood, "Good Cop, Bad Cop"

Today's world headlines

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Obama Pulling The GPS Bait And Switch With LaHood, "Good Cop, Bad Cop"

This is the same thing they pulled effectively I must say with the stimulus, what they did is they came out with this number of around 800 bil, and awaited the outcry of the initial shock, then they slowly but quickly jacked the number higher and higher as the outcry grew louder and louder.

Then they start in with the PR and the "we're going back to the negotiating tables to see what we can do and then after a few days jerking around the media and the American people, particularly the most gullible and mis or uninformed and voila! They come out after drastically cutting corners and shaving pork to arrive right back where they started and where they intended to be, at the 800 billion that sounds so much less than the 1 trillion they bandied about.

This GPS thing is exactly the same deal. They come out with LaHood as the bad cop since of coarse he's the RINO and is mostly disliked in all quarters and let him drop this all encompassing "1984 sounding" bomb that appears intrusive, draconian and extreme, that's because of coarse it is.

Then they let Obama come out of the White House In name only on his white horse claiming "No way Mr LaHood, I the president will stick up for the people.... this is far too extreme, you just forget it and get back to the drawing board Mr LaHood got it?"!

The in a week or two down the road we'll get the real proposal, where lets say only people who drive trucks will be the one's who will have to join in on the Big Brother GPS game first in order to get their large slug of the stimulus pie which will mean jobs that they'll jump at. Then of coarse the sheeple public on the left lets out their predictable sighs of relief and accusatory "We Told You So's" to the conservatives.

So then the trucks are quicky outfitted with these wanted units and then the unions get their trucks filled and rolling and then the media PR starts with the "look how great this works and how much money is being saved, Obama is indeed a genius" blah blah blah........and then before you know it the whole country is now convinced it's a harmless little gadget that we need and will clamor for..

Job well done, freedoms snatched.

Mark my words folks, you heard that here first. The next project will be the Fairness Doctrine Obama said no way to as well the other day. They'll use the same obfuscation and lies, it's a con in the works, same shit different day as we all piss our freedoms away.

Obama nixes plan to tax motorists on mileage

My Way News - "WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama on Friday rejected his transportation secretary's suggestion that the administration consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive instead of how much gasoline they buy. 'It is not and will not be the policy of the Obama administration,' White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters, when asked for the president's thoughts about Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood's suggestion, raised in an interview with The Associated Press a daily earlier."

Gasoline taxes that for nearly half a century have paid for the federal share of highway and bridge construction can no longer be counted on to raise enough money to keep the nation's transportation system moving, LaHood told the AP.

"We should look at the vehicular miles program where people are actually clocked on the number of miles that they traveled," the former Illinois Republican lawmaker said in the AP interview.

LaHood spokeswoman Lori Irving said Friday that the secretary was speaking of the idea only in general terms, not as something being implemented as administration policy.

Most transportation experts see a vehicle miles traveled tax as a long-term solution, but Congress is being urged to move in that direction now by funding pilot projects.

The idea also is gaining ground in several states. The governor of Idaho is talking about such a program. A North Carolina panel suggested in December the state start charging motorists a quarter-cent for every mile as a substitute for the gas tax. Rhode Island's governor, however, has expressed opposition to a panel's recommendation in December that the state charge motorists a half-cent for every mile driven in addition to the gas tax.

A tentative plan in Massachusetts to use GPS chips in vehicles to charge motorists by the mile has drawn complaints from drivers who say it's an Orwellian intrusion by government into the lives of citizens. Other motorists say it eliminates an incentive to drive more fuel-efficient cars since gas guzzlers will be taxed at the same rate as fuel sippers.

Besides a VMT tax, more tolls for highways and bridges and more government partnerships with business to finance transportation projects are other funding options, LaHood, one of two Republicans in Obama's Cabinet, said in the interview Thursday.

"What I see this administration doing is this - thinking outside the box on how we fund our infrastructure in America," he said.

LaHood said he firmly opposes raising the federal gasoline tax in the current recession.

The program that funds the federal share of highway projects is part of a surface transportation law that expires Sept. 30. Last fall, Congress made an emergency infusion of $8 billion to make up for a shortfall between gas tax revenues and the amount of money promised to states for their projects. The gap between money raised by the gas tax and the cost of maintaining the nation's highway system and expanding it to accommodate population growth is forecast to continue to widen.

Among the reasons for the gap is a switch to more fuel-efficient cars and a decrease in driving that many transportation experts believe is related to the economic downturn. Electric cars and alternative-fuel vehicles that don't use gasoline are expected to start penetrating the market in greater numbers.

A blue-ribbon national transportation commission is expected to release a report next week recommending a VMT.

The system would require all cars and trucks be equipped with global satellite positioning technology, a transponder, a clock and other equipment to record how many miles a vehicle was driven, whether it was driven on highways or secondary roads, and even whether it was driven during peak traffic periods or off-peak hours.

The device would tally how much tax motorists owed depending upon their road use. Motorists would pay the amount owed when it was downloaded, probably at gas stations at first, but an alternative eventually would be needed.

Rob Atkinson, chairman of the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission, the blue-ribbon group that is developing future transportation funding options, said moving to a national VMT would take about a decade.

Privacy concerns are based more on perception than any actual risk, Atkinson said. The satellite information would be beamed one way to the car and driving information would be contained within the device on the car, with the amount of the tax due the only information that's downloaded, he said.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I was wondering what was up with that but couldn't figure the angle. It guess being from Chicago you've had lots of practice watching these crooks operate.

    Watch your back, Ray!

  2. I really maintain that it's all about construction dollars which around here and elsewhere means usually Mob run and connected construction companies as I stated. It's the perpetual under construction modus operandi, campaign cash for contracts that never end keeping those dem unions employed year round for the votes...

    .John Kass the trib columnist that Blago tried to get fired, and his mentor here the late Mike Royko started that angle a while back and I firmly believe it, our roads here are in constant fu**ed up status year round...as they say only one season around here, construction season..

  3. I wish he would put a GPS system in all cars and tax the hell out of us. Just maybe that would get through to his supporters.. (okay I don't really mean that). The detroit news today states he has a 69% approval rating They note the McClatchy-Ipsos poll? who the heck are they? I wonder who they are polling?

  4. McClatchey is a newspaper consortium and these polls are full of sh**, especially these approval rating jokes.Gallup says the same damn thing, I don't know one single person out of 100 I'm in contact with weekly clients friends or family who like Obama, and thats in the Chicago burbs...

    I'm also on the net 20 hours a day both working and blogging almost all day every day simultaneously and I've never been called, 5 phone lines, never been canvassed at the door in 7 years in my present house and I'm involved in politics up to my neck, NEVER BEEN CONTACTED ONCE.....

  5. So okay, I'm one of those Obama supporters... However, I'm not okay with the fact that his administration easily dropped the idea of a Republican when it was a pretty good idea in the first place. VMT taxes, although 100% okay yet, to me seems to be more practical in the future.


  6. Well any taxes on driving are unfair to most who don;t live in their cars so I'm against anything like that because in Illinois we pay to use the roads everytime we drive on them. They just raid the money for other shit. Obama knows this since Blagojevich who devised the Illinois IPass is one of his best friends although he of coarse lies and denies now.

    I just don't understand why Obama supporters refuse to listen to people who know him the best, and that is we Illinoisans who don't drink his Kool aid and support his true radical agenda he hid (the media did as well)until after the election hoping he had changed somehow.

    You're seeing now what we warned America about, not because we hate the "man", we hate what the man stands for, which is a mostly a mirage. He really has no stance on anything except abortion and never has, his whole so called career is that of a Part time politician. In Illinois being a State senator is a part time job!! So his true experience is so nominal its truly laughable.

    But the media lied to you folks and they shoulder the blame because I know everyone doesn't live on the internet but some of us get paid to do it, and we tried our best to warn the country,

    Liberals still would've won if McCain was elected as he's more democrat than republican and he's an open book, where Obama is nothing but two books he wrote about himself to forge this fake identity and a speech he gave in 2004, just like Hillary said


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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