> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: NAACP Refuses To Let The Sleeping Dog Chimp Lie

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

NAACP Refuses To Let The Sleeping Dog Chimp Lie

Never satisfied until they take a chunk out of whitey's backside or whoever their target du jour is this week the NAACP won't let this scandal die down until they've milked every media nipple and social class for all it's worth as usual.

This time by demanding the cartoonist be fired from the New York Post even after apologizing ( see video by clicking read more at end of commentary) or they will proceed to burn down the Post building along with the city and,....oh wait, I'm sorry.

I've gotten my terrorist organizations confused here, for some reason I was thinking of the Danish cartoon 'capade that I'm sure you all remember when the Arab world went ballistic burning and destroying buildings, embassies and foreign flags as they also demanded the cartoonist of the infamous Muhammad cartoons be drawn and quartered for daring to mock their precious Allah.

How could we forget it actually? The two sure have much in common though, that's for sure.

Although not as violent it's amazing that we have an American organization supposedly speaking for all black Americans acting medieval and irrational over a damn cartoon of a chimpanzee being shot by misreading all kinds of racial innuendo not intended, all in order to capitalize on the perceived opportunity.

Just as I said, wherever there's blood of whitey in the waters of America you'll find that Jackson Sharpton/NAACP triangulating gang blaming white America for all their problems and keeping them down, even though we've come so far a black (half white) president was just elected for the first time.

You'd think the emancipation proclamation was signed yesterday listening to these opportunists as they're days of blaming everyone else for their deficiencies and problems ended on January 20th 2009..Here's what the apology invoked:
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NAACP calls for firing of N.Y. Post cartoonist

- CNN.com: "NEW YORK (CNN) -- Leaders of the NAACP on Saturday called for the firing of the New York Post cartoonist whose drawing lampooning the federal stimulus bill has drawn charges that it's racist and encourages violence toward President Obama."

"Speaking at the civil rights group's annual meeting in New York, NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said that if Sean Delonas is not fired, the group will call for protests of the paper and Fox television affiliates, which are owned by Post parent company News Corp.

'There is consensus that if the Post does not ... get rid of the journalists who are responsible for this bit of hate speech seeing the light of day, that we will move this from a local, regional issue to a very national issue,' Jealous said.

The group also called for the cartoonist's editor to be fired.

Many critics said the cartoon played on historically racist images by appearing to compare Obama, the nation's first black president, to a chimpanzee that had been shot by police officers."

The cartoon references the mauling of a Connecticut woman by a chimpanzee who was later shot and killed by police.

In its caption, one of the officers says, "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill."

Obama had signed the bill the day before the cartoon ran.

On its Web site Thursday, the paper offered a qualified apology, saying it was "most certainly not our intent" to express racism, but also accusing some of jumping at a chance to attack a paper they already disliked.

"To them, no apology is due," the paper wrote. "Sometimes a cartoon is just a cartoon -- even if the opportunists seek to make it something else."

But NAACP Chairman Julian Bond said that explanation rings hollow.

"This is tastelessness taken to the extreme," he said. "For the publication to suggest the only people who object to it are constant critics of the New York Post is beyond ridiculous.

"This was an invitation to assassination of the president of the United States and anyone who was not offended by it doesn't have any sensibilities."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Time for these jackasses to lay down that race card. Stick a fork in 'em-their done.

  2. They won't give it up easily, it's all those race baiters have, and with Obama's election they know their days of blamin' whitey are coming to an end..Time to pull the weight or get off the train.

  3. This is exactly what I responded to CNN comment on the Attorney General Eric Holder statement.
    This is the whole reason why people do not confront the race issue in this country. People (mostly white) do not have the money or time to fight off being accused of a hate crime. Because in this day and age, you are guilty until you can prove your innocent! Does not matter IF you said anything or not, all the person of color has to do is report it. If your white...your going to be arrested and treated like you did it. Same goes for pissed off women getting back at a boyfriend etc... The idiots/do-gooders/can't hurt someones feelings of this country voted that man in now live with it. Not to say there was any other alternative.
    If Obama wanted to jump start the economy he should have sent each person that files taxes and makes under $200,000 per year a check for $200,000 there would have been money left over, the banks would have recieved for the most part 80% of it. Any one with common sense knows that would work. My bank would be the first check I would right to at least dump 75% of it on there then pay off my other debt. Which in that case would free up my paycheck to go out and pump up the economy. Being a Democrat or a Republican does not seem to matter these days. Both are funding the top hoping for the trickle down theroy, the money being given out to the banks and auto companies is ultimatly our money, we are the one's who will have to foot the bill so why not start with us? I beg to ask this question of any one in the government to answer.

  4. Great post Ken, why do these people not realize how foolish they are?

  5. I was referring to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson but since you call me names without comprehending what was written I'll answer your attack....

    Although there;s plenty of moochers and bums of all races and creeds I'll briefly answer your question of "What makes me think African Americans don't pull their weight"?

    Where the hell do you want me to start? I'll keep it brief and start with Katrina; 1 million African Americans get in and out of DC for Obama's coronation in January with no problems in one day and yet 20,000 can't manage to get out of New Orleans with 4 days notice while their leader Ray Nagin blames everyone everywhere on the planet as did the community and liberal loons around the world while Nagin's Navy lay flooded under 4 feet of water unusable?

    How about this woman, Minnie The Moocher also known as Peggy Joseph who took her kids out of school to do what a couple months ago? Go see the soon to be liar and cheater in chief that she thinks is going to do this for her?and all the others like her waiting for Obama to steal from me to pay them for not working or paying their bills and supporting their families?

    The same guy who hasn't paid back his hometown for the little festival he threw for himself here at Gran Park that we all foot the bill even though only liberals attended (same thing for the most expensive inauguration in history) while Obama takes the next two generations taxes to pay off ACORN and the likes

    Why is this such a problem in black America? Since 1970, out-of-wedlock birth rates have soared. In 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers. By 1990 the rates had risen to 64 percent for black infants, 18 percent for whites.

    Why is this such a problem in black America? Blacks do, indeed, have much higher rates of abortions than whites or other minority groups. In 2000, while blacks made up 17 percent of live births they made up more than twice that share of abortions 36 percent. If those aborted children had been born, the number of blacks born would have been slightly over 50 percent greater than it was

    Why is this such a problem in Black America? It is astonishing that in some states, one in ten black men is behind bars.

    Should I keep going? You call me a neanderthal after reading 1 post out of over 5000 on this blog, (which is why your next comments will be deleted) I'm a 44 year old UVA educated man who's been disabled for the past six years from Multiple Sclerosis and unable to walk for the past 3 now.

    Yet I own my own home and business, have no children out of wedlock or any other way since it wouldn't be fair to a child or wife to have a disabled father, I've never been arrested or spent a minute in prison nor jail, I'm not hooked on drugs and alcohol nor never have been, I'm debt free and don;t need a dime of "Stimulus Money" and have paid off a 200,000 mortgage and a $100,000 college education as an adult.

    So what's the problem in our society today? I can tell you one thing for sure, It sure the fuck isn't me.


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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