> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Super Bowl Sunday

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

Update 3pm

How disappointing and unbearable is the pregame show with Keith The Loud Liberal Olbermann as one of the commentators. Instant channel change. Second one came when this fake remade band called Journey in name only came onstage. I don't know about the rest of you real rock and roll fans but nothing appalls me more than a band who cares more about cashing in than maintaining their artistic integrity and not touring with the members who made the music and act what it was and is.

It's like watching remakes of great movies where these artists and writers are so bankrupt of fresh ideas and have such contempt for the original fans that they just plug in any old scrub to fill in for whatever person declines to participate and carries on like there's no difference. Well there is for many of us I'm afraid

The only exception to me in Rock and Roll is the Lynyrd Skynyrd band which was decimated by tragedy of coarse, which then carried on at a later time with some replacements who were associated with the original band and the man who filled in for lost leader Ronnie Van Zandt was his little brother Johnny. This new Journey singer Arnel Pineda
can sing alright but to me is really just a great Steve Perry imitator and nothing more. I can sing Journey too, like Steve Perry but I'm not nor is he Steve Perry nor will we ever be.

Sorry, it just doesn't do it for me when they bill themselves as the original band which is what these guys are essentially doing and many kids today who start listening to them for the first time don;t even know this guy is a retread, to me that's near fraud. Sorry but that's how I feel on that one.

So for those two things the NBC broadcast is now like C - to me.....

to be continued.....

4pm cst

Obama is having a nice little party in the white house while may Americans are freezing to death and dying in Kentucky and Tennessee, a place Obama has yet to visit while we all know what happened to President Bush after every single natural disaster that all the left wing lowlives blamed on him and Dick Cheney's diabolical hurricane machine in the White House basement. SO I guess we can blame Obama for this and he must hate all white people....more on that tomorrow,.........

5:30 PM Kickoff

insane ending to the half that probably cost the Cardinals the game...longest interception return and play in Super Bowl History, 1oo yards by James Harrison, cut from different teams 4 times in his NFL career....


Alright I have to admit that was a great ten minutes by Springsteen and his band that brought back lots of high school memories, now he's back to the liberal activist that I wrote about this morning who's wallet and songwriting never met a liberal cause they couldn't exploit for the money. But damn good show and as far as we could tell no major wardrobe malfunctions.........

Original post below here:

Bruce The Super Bowl Sellout

Hopefully all goes well today in Tampa and America can take a little break from the Obama Circus in Washington and enjoy a good old down home American football game until halftime comes and the channel get's switched so we don't have to tolerate 8 minutes of Bruce The Money Changer Springsteen.

A two faced hypocrite who this week played John Kerry by flip flopping back and forth between apologizing to his now mostly left wing loon fans (as people like myself have taken his overrated library and circular filed it for good for being too political for a musician) for signing a deal with Walmart of coarse waiting until he cashed their checks (what a sack of crud) and the people at Walmart who sell his wares, biting that hand that feeds.

Isn't it great how liberals can shaft and screw anyone, anywhere they want, and then pop in front of a crowd of microphones and video cameras to flop out some lame apology that exonerates them from whatever transgressions they committed no matter how bad, yet always make sure they keep that money and cash the checks.

"Bruce The Poos'" has taken to slamming the retail giant selling his crappy retreaded "working class hero crap" this week to satisfy his Walmart hating nutjobs followers in order to keep his lib cred amongst the hollywood nuts.

Proving he's yet just another lib doing the politically expedient thing while feasting at the money trough like the entire liberal elite crowd, they care about the little people all right while robbing those pathetic suckers blind.

Here's some more people who are much bigger fans of his than I ever was who feel the same way I do...Here and here

Here's what that so called working man's hero demands backstage by the way while on tour, and no doubt this offensive list of demands applies to his little appearance today at halftime that is banking him millions no doubt.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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