> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Obama hates white people and wants them to die"?

Today's world headlines

Monday, February 2, 2009

"Obama hates white people and wants them to die"?

That's what the American Thinker says posted below, and come to think of it that's what all the liberal loon blogs that were later co opted into MSM hate Bush coverage said over and over whenever he was 5 minutes late visiting any disaster area containing African Americans after Katrina, right? Weren't they all crying Bush Hates Black People" endlessly. I think I remember super white people hater was Kanye West, saying that very thing repeated millions of times by the media and left wing nuts

Even the damn Washington Compost got in on the ridiculousness with this moronic poll at the time asking it's lunatic readers if "Kanye was right".

So yesterday while a large slice of America is suffering their asses off in deadly frigid weather with no heat, food, electricity 20 or so dead, the ****head named Obama was having a SuperBowl Party at the White House, isn't that nice, not wastin' any time breakin' in the new digs. Giving fun little interviews to his new fist bumping buddy Matt Lauer in between trying to co opt the spineless Republicans he invited into the Cult of Obama who has yet to visit the area of devastation why we wonder? Rumor was he was also trying to get Michael Phelps over for a visit to see if he could bring some good weed over for the White House Party. No such luck.

At least McCain had the sense to ditch the Oracle's initiation into the newest raging cult since Jonestown and not fall for Obama's bribes to get McCain to sign off on his Obamboozle Payoff Package, raping TAX PAYING America in his first ten days in office paying back unions and ACORN for putting him in office.

So why hasn't Obama showed up yet in Kentucky or Tennessee? Here's my answer..."Because it's filled with honkeys and not brothers and sisters liek those who couldn't find their way out of New Orleans after 4 long days of warnings or even manage to escape their homes without the aid of risk of life and limb by US military choppers and personnel at about $25,000 a clip. You remember them don't cha?


Another question I have is where are Shep and Geraldo and the wall to wall Embarrass Bush Squads? The TV cameras and helicopters/ Sean Penn and his sinking rowboat? Remember all that crap too dont cha? No celebrities can be bothered on Super Bowl Weekend to help out a bunch of cracker hicks in an ice storm, all the camera's and TMZ are down Tampa for the game.

Obama hates white people and wants them to die

American Thinker Blog: : "Rick Moran With nearly 1.5 million people in the mid-west without power during a cold snap, what other possible reason is there that this new 'competent' administration and FEMA would be failing so spectacularly in helping in this natural disaster?

It's got to be that Obama hates white people and wants them to die!

Of course, I am just aping what lefty blogs were saying about Bush less than 24 hours after Katrina's hurricane winds stopped blowing. But AP is reporting that Midwest disaster relief people are none too pleased with our new president's FEMA.

In Kentucky's Grayson County, there are 25 National Guardsmen there to help - but no chain saws to cut away fallen limbs and trees. EM Director Randell Smith is quoted as saying, 'We've got people out in some areas we haven't even visited yet,' Smith said. 'We don't even know that they're alive.'

Smith is also quoted as saying that FEMA is a 'no show.'

What's that? Here we are 5 days after the storm ended and still no FEMA? I demand a Congressional investigation. And let's get all the anchors and media people down here pronto. People's lives are at stake. For all we know, there are babies being eaten and people jumping off their roofs committing suicide because FEMA is nowhere to be found." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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