> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Chimpanzee Story Rundown

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chimpanzee Story Rundown

Here's what all the parties concerned had to say today about this nutty chimp story that would never have occurred if people weren't allowed to own these "cute little monkey's" simply to pal around with and domineer over.

Dogs cats, hey if those are your thing that's great and I myself was a dog owner for a long time, a domesticated purebread Tennessee cross creek beagle named Pistol for 12 years, not a zoo or barnyard animal that has no business living in someones home no matter how tame or trained the poor thing is.

Just as this poor sad woman seemingly did with her only apparent companion in life besides her now nearly mauled to death human friend. As I said even dogs can become deadly and dangerous as the fifth video here attests.

As far as the uproar over the cartoon, the only people that inferred the monkey Obama reference was Al Sharpton, as the first thing that came to my mond was the monkey's in congress no color in particular. All this uproar falls on big deaf ears to me(big ear Obama pun intended)because for 8 long years the liberals on the left have been calling George Bush a monkey and some have even made a living off the "chimpy" reference, as you can see here if this is news to you.

By the way folks, Here's what comes up in Google when one types 'Chimpy". It's not a black man but a white one, and a white US president AL, so shut the f*** up/.

Funny though I never heard a peep from anyone in the black community,the news media or anyone else for that matter complaining that comparing Bush to a monkey was offensive . Not a peep.

Sso for some strange reason it's OK to compare a white man to a monkey or gorilla endlessly, but not a half white man lik Obama if that was the intended reference anyways which it obviously wasn't ? Gimme a break, I thought all this whining would stop with Obama's election but it's only gotten worse.

One thing I will say for Obama is he sure makes Sharpton and Jackson and Farrakhan look like the lazy race baiting con artists they really are, and Obama's race card dealer himself but nothing like these Charlatans....

Here's Al's whining today and the cartoon in question featured in the video above as well... in case you missed it all:

From Al Sharpton on TMZ Wednesday: The cartoon in today's New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys. One has to question whether the cartoonist is making a less than casual reference to this when in the cartoon they have police saying after shooting a chimpanzee that "Now they will have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill."

Being that the stimulus bill has been the first legislative victory of President Barack Obama (the first African American president) and has become synonymous with him it is not a reach to wonder are they inferring that a monkey wrote the last bill
Added later: here's what the venerable Reverend Manning had to say about the Sharpton stoked racism charges and the leap taken as I spoke to as he concludes as I do that it's a strawman argument because Obama's not a true black man he's Milano (he also tears Obama's drunken daddy a new one, somewhat humorous and possibly offensive to some.)listen to it please



The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I love this guy... Great job with the site, I laid off as of Monday LOL, should be lurking around quite a bit more now..

  2. Oh Sharon, I'm terribly sorry to hear that, damn Obama gives jobs and houses and welfare to the losers of the country at the expense of fine, hard working and upstanding citizens like yourself.

    If the liberals don't start demanding the illegals start being mass deported during this financial downturn they will prove their hatred for America, it's legal and real citizens, their love for socialism and forced equality.

    Your always wekcome to hang and chat anytime your bored, we're always here as I'm fortunate enough to be self employed thank the lord above.

  3. Thanks!!! I will stay positive, I am going to take a couple weeks off and relax, and then go full force in the job hunt. I am not going to let the situation get me down. I am a good worker, just need to get the interview and then BS a little : )

  4. That's the attitude to take as the work force can always use a hard working American, that's for damn sure. Stay in touch and keep us abreast of your hunt.


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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