> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: College Has Marine Student Hauled Away For Posession of Weapons

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

College Has Marine Student Hauled Away For Posession of Weapons

A 3o year old U.S. Marine with a conceal and carry permit has a pretty solid reason to figure he's within his rights to carry on campus, but what bothers me about this guy is that he not only is carrying a concealed gun but multiple pocket knives, one of which is not so concealed and therefore is seen by another student who was a little concerned and reported the guy.

My question to him would be "why the heck does someone with a permit to carry a gun need not one but two or three pocketknives in their possession along with a loaded gun" which ironically is what gets him in trouble? And I don't like judging people by their looks entirely but this guy seems a little strange to me, just my humble opinion. So if he leaves the pocketknives at home, student doesn't see it and he therefore would not be in the trouble he now finds himself in.

We sometimes have to accept that even though firearms and knives are not illegal they are somewhat intimidating to many people, and especially a 30 year old student who doesn't really look like a Marine sans uniform and lets remember it's a school he's at with kids half his age so I have to excuse the persons erri9ng on the side of caution in reporting him.

College ousts Marine for legally concealed gun:

WND.."A Marine has been arrested, suspended from college and ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation for bringing a handgun and knife to campus – even though he holds a concealed carry permit issued by the state.

'They put me in cuffs as quick as they could and hauled me off,' Western Oregon University student Jeffrey L. Maxwell told Portland's KATU-TV. 'With my concealed weapons permit, I thought I was well within my rights to carry it. I never remember signing away my right to keep and bear arms.'

Campus police arrested Maxwell, a 30-year-old junior, Jan. 28 after someone reported seeing a knife in his pocket. Maxwell was cooperative when authorities detained him. When they asked if he had any other weapons, he politely informed them he had a loaded two-shot .22 caliber Derringer and pocket knives in his possession. He also said he carried a rifle in his truck.

Monmouth police took Maxwell into custody for violation of ORS 166.370, possession of a firearm in a public building. Kevin Starrett, president of the Oregon Firearms Federation, said Maxwell was forced to sit at the police station for three hours after the district attorney told police to charge him.

'The law is absolutely clear that Jeffrey was not doing anything illegal, and this district attorney doesn't know that?' he told WND. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Wow, I don't know about this one. I'm a hunter, a gun owner, and I support the 2nd amendment, but I'm not so sure I want guns in schools, colleges, or court houses. This one is a toss-up for me. I do however think the school is DEAD WRONG with their punishment though. Just getting him to agree to leave the weapons home when going on campus would have served the purpose much better. Friggin libtards!

  2. Your exactly right which is how I felt as well, send the guy home and be more discreet like having knives hanging out of your pockets otherwise risk being hauled in for violation. I do however abhor "gun free zones" as just the thought that a student or teacher might be armed is enough to scare most wussified criminals.

    They might seem daring to some since most have nothing to lose and are willing to commit crimes, but most are cowards who don't wanna die or go to jail.


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